
Showing posts from August, 2012

Jaguars and shamans Jaguars in Mesoamerican cultures

an olmec transformation figure, thought show transformation of shaman jaguar. the jaguar important shamans associate jaguar spirit companion or nagual, protect shamans evil spirits , while move between earth , spirit realm. in order shamans combat whatever evil forces may threatening, or rely on shamans protection, necessary shamans transform , cross on spirit realm. jaguar nagual because of strength, necessary shamans dominate spirits, in same way predator dominates prey (saunders 1998:30). jaguar said possess transient ability of moving between worlds because of comfort both in trees , water, ability hunt in nighttime in daytime, , habit of sleeping in caves, places associated deceased ancestors. concept of transformation of shaman documented in mesoamerica , south america , in particular demonstrated in various olmec jaguar transformation figures (diehl, p. 106).

Variants Type 81 assault rifle

bangladesh armed forces  bangladesh bd-08: made under license bangladesh ordnance factories in 2008. bd08mk2 improved of original bd-08.  myanmar kachin independence army produced type 81 variants dubbed m23, comes updated polymer furniture sun motif. not known manufacturing details due clandestine origins, possibly unofficially licensed built prc tooling proxy military aid delivered through bangladesh. kachin k09: comes black/plum polymer furniture. kachin k010: comes green polymer furniture. kachin k011: dedicated indigenous 45mm rifle grenade launcher variant. ^ miller, david (2003). illustrated directory of twentieth century guns. zenith imprint. pp. 278–279. isbn 978-0-7603-1560-6.  ^ emei/7.62mm semi-automatic rifle model t81sa ^ ^

Objectives United Nations

1 objectives 1.1 peacekeeping , security 1.2 human rights 1.3 economic development , humanitarian assistance 1.4 other objectives peacekeeping , security bolivian blue helmet @ exercise in chile, 21 october 2002 the un, after approval security council, sends peacekeepers regions armed conflict has ceased or paused enforce terms of peace agreements , discourage combatants resuming hostilities. since un not maintain own military, peacekeeping forces voluntarily provided member states. these soldiers nicknamed blue helmets distinctive gear. peacekeeping force whole received nobel peace prize in 1988. in september 2013, un had peacekeeping soldiers deployed on 15 missions. largest united nations organization stabilization mission in democratic republic of congo (monusco), included 20,688 uniformed personnel. smallest, united nations military observer group in india , pakistan (unmogip), included 42 uniformed personnel responsible monitoring ceasefire in jammu , kashmir. un peacekeepers...

Records Ed Weeks (grower)

^ associated press (25 july 1970). 118 pound melon . daytona beach morning journal. p. 6d. retrieved 9 april 2015.  ^ cite error: named reference aboutus invoked never defined (see page). ^ mcwhirter, norris (1979). guinness book of world records. bantam books. p. 114. isbn 978-0553123708. 

Anglo-Saxon Craven

map of wapentakes c. 1000 ad to collect danegeld in 991–1016 anglo-saxons divided territory tax districts. wapentakes of staincliffe , ewcross covered region call craven areas beyond such forest of bowland in lancashire; , sedbergh in cumbria north. church still using these areas in 16th century.

Singles Alle Farben

^ cite error: named reference ger invoked never defined (see page). ^ cite error: named reference aut invoked never defined (see page). ^ alle farben discography . hung medien. retrieved 28 april 2014.  ^ alle farben discography . hung medien. retrieved 8 august 2014.  ^ alle farben discography . hung medien. retrieved 6 november 2014.  ^ alle farben discography . hung medien. retrieved 28 april 2014.  ^ alle farben discography . hung medien. retrieved 6 november 2014.  ^ cite error: named reference swi invoked never defined (see page). ^ gold-/platin-datenbank . retrieved 7 may 2017.  ^ official swiss charts , music community . - swiss charts. retrieved 9 august 2017.  ^ austrian certifications – alle farben (in german). ifpi austria. retrieved 9 august 2017.  enter alle farben in field interpret. click suchen ^ anna ...

Phonology[13] Halkomelem

1 phonology 1.1 vowels 1.2 consonants 1.3 stress , pitch 1.4 phonotactics 1.5 morphophonemics phonology note: examples drawn hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ dialect spoken musqueam, band speaks downriver dialect of halkomelem. relevant differences in phonology of island , upriver dialects noted @ foot of phoneme charts. vowels hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ has 5 vowel phonemes. long , short vowels (but not schwa) contrast. vowel length written in native orthography ⟨·⟩. four of these vowel phonemes (/i/, /e/, /a/, , /ə/) common, while /u/ occurs in loan words. all 5 vowel phonemes vary considerably phonetically. phoneme /i/ has 3 distinct allophones. realized [e] following unrounded uvulars. realized [ɪ] central off-glide preceding both unrounded , rounded uvulars. elsewhere, realized low [i] or high [e]. /e/ realized low mid-front vowel, between [ɛ] or high [æ]. /a/ low , central back, close [ɑ]. /u/ high, back, , rounded, realized somewhere between low [u] or high [o]. when stressed, schwa /ə/ appears in environmen...

Career Jake La Botz

1 career 1.1 music 1.2 film 1.3 television 1.4 theater career music la botz learned play blues last of prewar bluesmen living in chicago in late 1980s , 1990s: david honeyboy edwards, homesick james, , maxwell street jimmy davis. has been touring nationally , internationally many years, , since 2006, has been known tattoo across america tour, in performs @ tattoo parlors across country. original compositions featured in many films , tv shows. film la botz began acting career after catching attention of actor, director, , independent filmmaker steve buscemi, cast la botz blues-singing convict in 2000 film animal factory. la botz performed 2 original songs in film, ain t way came , lay down bottle. in next few years, la botz appeared in terry zwigoff s arthouse film ghost world in buscemi s lonesome jim. in 2008, la botz starred in sylvester stallone s rambo, in performed 2 songs album graveyard jones, wishing , tiny. other notable film appearances include timur bekmambetov s a...

Geographic distribution Ormuri

districts of logar province. image not include azra district, located east of khoshi , mohammad agha districts. north (purple) , south (blue) waziristan , surrounding federally administered tribal areas , provinces dialects there 2 dialects of ormuri; 1 spoken in kaniguram, waziristan, more archaic dialect, , other 1 in baraki-barak, logar. kaniguram dialect not understood in baraki-barak. linguist georg morgenstierne wrote: while kaniguram has borrowed freely waziri pashto, vocabulary of logar has been influenced other pashto dialects, and, still greater extent, persian. the dialect of kaniguram strong, spoken relatively prosperous community of ormur in isolated part of rugged waziristan hills. however, position of dialect of baraki barak not strong. morgenstierne wrote told that: ormuri no longer spoken in baraki barak, ancient headquarters of ormur tribe. man said village denied existence of other language persian , pashto in native place.

Core beliefs Paleoconservatism

1 core beliefs 1.1 name 1.2 conservative heritage 1.3 human nature, tradition , reason 1.4 concrete roots 1.5 anti-federalism 1.6 family 1.6.1 post-family order core beliefs name the prefix paleo derives greek root palaeo- meaning ancient or old . tongue-in-cheek, , refers paleocons claim represent more historic, authentic conservative tradition found in neoconservatism. adherents of paleoconservatism describe paleo-. rich lowry of national review claims prefix designed obscure fact recent ideological creation of post-cold war politics. the paleoconservatives use term conservative differently opponents of leftism. paleocons may reject attempts rush limbaugh , others graft short-term policy goals—such school choice, enterprise zones, , faith-based initiatives—into core of conservatism. due paleoconservatives desire see these incorporated long-term institutional goals, rather short-term victories movement itself. in way, paleocons regarded taking long view toward conservatism, ...

Career Curtis Main

1 career 1.1 darlington 1.2 middlesbrough 1.2.1 loan shrewsbury town 1.3 doncaster rovers 1.3.1 loan oldham 1.4 portsmouth career darlington main born in south shields, tyne , wear. attended st mary s church of england school in tyne dock, south shields. began football career youngster @ sunderland before being released league 2 club darlington, whom made senior debut substitute in last 7 minutes of game against peterborough united on 3 may 2008. @ 15 years 318 days, became youngest player play darlington. in february 2009, scored first goal, 86th-minute winner in match against grimsby town, 2 minutes after entering game substitute. in may 2009, main spent week on trial premier league club fulham, club preferred monitor player s progress rather make offer. other clubs reported interested included middlesbrough , newcastle united. in september 2009, main scored 81st-minute equaliser against grimsby town, in match ended 1–1 , saw darlington manager colin todd leave post shortly after fin...

Later career Wayne Shorter

the wayne shorter quartet @ teatro degli arcimboldi, milan, 2010 in 2000, shorter formed first permanent acoustic group under name, quartet pianist danilo perez, bassist john patitucci, , drummer brian blade, playing own compositions, many of them reworkings of tunes going 1960s. 3 albums of live recordings have been released, footprints live! (2002), beyond sound barrier (2005) , without net (2013). quartet has received great acclaim fans , critics, strength of shorter s tenor saxophone playing. biography footprints: life , work of wayne shorter journalist michelle mercer examines working life of musicians shorter s thoughts , buddhist beliefs. beyond sound barrier received 2006 grammy award best instrumental jazz album. shorter s 2003 album alegría (his first studio album 10 years, since high life) received 2004 grammy award best instrumental jazz album; features quartet host of other musicians, including pianist brad mehldau, drummer carrington , former weather report percussionist ...

Patent ambush Glossary of patent law terms

a patent ambush occurs when member of standard-setting organization withholds information, during participation in development , setting standard, patent member or member s company owns, has pending, or intends file, relevant standard, , subsequently company asserts patent infringed use of standard adopted.

V List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens (Q–Z)

1 v 1.1 validium 1.2 vampire 1.3 vanir 1.4 vardan 1.5 varga plant 1.6 varosian 1.7 vashta nerada 1.8 veil 1.9 venom grub 1.10 venusian 1.11 vervoid 1.12 vespiform 1.13 vigil 1.14 vinvocci 1.15 viperox 1.16 visian 1.17 viyrans 1.18 vogan 1.19 voord v validium living metal created time lords, capable of many tasks due origins. such metal ended on earth , lady peinforte used make statue of herself, nemesis statue. doctor, through various incarnations, sent statue off earth every 25 years, return, due bow , arrow being missing , draw statue back; every great disaster in earth s history s 25 years apart caused it. in 1988, doctor able recover pieces , have statue explode in middle of cyberman fleet. vampire a number of different types of vampire have appeared in televised doctor who: in fourth episode of 1965 first doctor serial chase, first doctor, ian, barbara , vicki encounter count dracula , frankenstein s monster, make short work of pursuing party of daleks. doctor speculates monsters ...

Star Circle Quest .28season 2.29 Star Circle Quest

abs-cbn came second season of star circle teen quest title star circle national teen quest after auditions held nationwide , in parts worldwide. manzano , sta. maria continue host show, while same jury guided finalists throughout program. thousands of teen aspirants auditioned 15 made final 15 or magic circle of 15 , namely erich gonzales, arron villaflor, paw diaz, charles christianson, dm sevilla, janelle quintana, theo bernados michelle arciaga, jason abalos, bebs & kc hollman, reynan pitero, oj decena, vanessa grindrund, marla boyd, franz ocampo. grand questors night the grand questors night hosted @ philsports arena. finally magic circle of 5 showcased numbers have been rehearsing hard for. each final questor showed special talent night impressed jurors thousands of audiences. erich gonzales became grand questor, arron villaflor in second, paw diaz in third, charles christianson in fourth, , dm sevilla in fifth place.

References The Dethe of the Kynge of Scotis

bibliography connolly, margaret (1992). dethe of kynge of scotis: new edition . scottish historical review. 71 (191/192): 46–69.  duncan, archibald alexander mcbeth (1984). james i, king of scots, 1424–1437 (2 ed.). university of glasgow, department of scottish history.  matheson, lister m. (1999). death , dissent: 2 fifteenth-century chronicles. medieval chronicles. 2. boydell & brewer. isbn 9780851157252. 

The Campaigns of Claudius Claudius Gothicus

the roman empire in 268 a.d at battle of naissus, claudius , legions routed huge gothic army. cavalry commander, future emperor aurelian, romans took thousands of prisoners, destroyed gothic cavalry force, , stormed laager (a circular alignment of wagons long favored goths). victory earned claudius surname of gothicus (conqueror of goths), , how known day. more importantly, goths driven across danube river aurelian, , century passed before again posed serious threat empire. at same time, alamanni had crossed alps , attacked empire. claudius responded quickly, routing alamanni @ battle of lake benacus in late fall of 268, few months after battle of naissus. awarded title of germanicus maximus. turned on gallic empire, ruled pretender past 8 years , encompassing britain, gaul, , iberian peninsula. won several victories , regained control of hispania , rhone river valley of gaul. set stage ultimate destruction of gallic empire under aurelian. however, claudius did not live long enough...

Economy West Midlands (region)

1 economy 1.1 herefordshire 1.2 shropshire 1.3 staffordshire 1.4 warwickshire 1.5 west midlands county 1.6 worcestershire economy sir anthony bamford, wealthiest british-nationality businessman business link west midlands based on quinton business park in quinton, next highways england , m5 @ a456 quinton interchange. nhs west midlands, strategic health authority on hagley road (a456) in edgbaston. west midlands ambulance service on waterfront business park in brierley hill, off a461, near headquarters of west midlands police, child support agency (csa) headquartered. region s manufacturing advisory service on wolverhampton science park off a449 north of city centre; function represente made in midlands, off m4 junction 2 @ pendeford north of wolverhampton. dit west midlands (previously ukti) region based @ west midlands chambers of commerce on harborne road (b4284), south of nhs west midlands west of 5 ways; @ b4100/b4114 junction south of aston university near matthew boulton campus ...