The Campaigns of Claudius Claudius Gothicus

the roman empire in 268 a.d

at battle of naissus, claudius , legions routed huge gothic army. cavalry commander, future emperor aurelian, romans took thousands of prisoners, destroyed gothic cavalry force, , stormed laager (a circular alignment of wagons long favored goths). victory earned claudius surname of gothicus (conqueror of goths), , how known day. more importantly, goths driven across danube river aurelian, , century passed before again posed serious threat empire.

at same time, alamanni had crossed alps , attacked empire. claudius responded quickly, routing alamanni @ battle of lake benacus in late fall of 268, few months after battle of naissus. awarded title of germanicus maximus. turned on gallic empire, ruled pretender past 8 years , encompassing britain, gaul, , iberian peninsula. won several victories , regained control of hispania , rhone river valley of gaul. set stage ultimate destruction of gallic empire under aurelian.

however, claudius did not live long enough fulfill goal of reuniting lost territories of empire. late in 269 had traveled sirmium , preparing go war against vandals, raiding in pannonia. however, fell victim plague of cyprian (possibly smallpox), , died in january 270. before death, thought have named aurelian successor, though claudius brother quintillus briefly seized power.

the senate deified claudius divus claudius gothicus .


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