Geographic distribution Ormuri

districts of logar province. image not include azra district, located east of khoshi , mohammad agha districts.

north (purple) , south (blue) waziristan , surrounding federally administered tribal areas , provinces


there 2 dialects of ormuri; 1 spoken in kaniguram, waziristan, more archaic dialect, , other 1 in baraki-barak, logar. kaniguram dialect not understood in baraki-barak. linguist georg morgenstierne wrote:

while kaniguram has borrowed freely waziri pashto, vocabulary of logar has been influenced other pashto dialects, and, still greater extent, persian.

the dialect of kaniguram strong, spoken relatively prosperous community of ormur in isolated part of rugged waziristan hills. however, position of dialect of baraki barak not strong. morgenstierne wrote told that:

ormuri no longer spoken in baraki barak, ancient headquarters of ormur tribe. man said village denied existence of other language persian , pashto in native place.


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