V List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens (Q–Z)

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1.1 validium
1.2 vampire
1.3 vanir
1.4 vardan
1.5 varga plant
1.6 varosian
1.7 vashta nerada
1.8 veil
1.9 venom grub
1.10 venusian
1.11 vervoid
1.12 vespiform
1.13 vigil
1.14 vinvocci
1.15 viperox
1.16 visian
1.17 viyrans
1.18 vogan
1.19 voord


living metal created time lords, capable of many tasks due origins. such metal ended on earth , lady peinforte used make statue of herself, nemesis statue. doctor, through various incarnations, sent statue off earth every 25 years, return, due bow , arrow being missing , draw statue back; every great disaster in earth s history s 25 years apart caused it.

in 1988, doctor able recover pieces , have statue explode in middle of cyberman fleet.


a number of different types of vampire have appeared in televised doctor who:

in fourth episode of 1965 first doctor serial chase, first doctor, ian, barbara , vicki encounter count dracula , frankenstein s monster, make short work of pursuing party of daleks. doctor speculates monsters , haunted mansion inhabit products of nightmares created human psyche. tardis , daleks time capsule leave, revealed monsters in fact funfair robots.
the fourth doctor encounters vampires whilst travelling in e-space in 1980 serial state of decay. doctor, romana, adric , k-9 encounter 3 vampires, aukon, camilla , zargo. revealed 3 servants of giant king vampire, member of great vampires once fought great war against time lords defeated. escaping e-space, king vampire sole surviving member of race. doctor defeats king vampire launching lesser vampires tower—actually command module of ship piloted human trio – , using stake pierce giant vampire s heart. 3 servant vampires perish along king.
creatures similar vampires, saturnyns, appeared in eleventh doctor episode vampires of venice .

vampires have appeared in doctor stories in other media. vampires related great vampires seen in state of decay featured prominently in virgin new adventures novel blood harvest, missing adventure goth opera, bbc eighth doctor adventures novel vampire science, , big finish productions audio dramas project: twilight , project: lazarus. eighth doctor adventure 8 doctors features them in flashback state of decay; in addition, war between vampires , time lords significant plot element in new adventure damaged goods. other vampires or vampire-like creatures have been featured in missing adventure managra, audio drama unit: snake head, bbci webcast death comes time, short story feast of stone (featuring alternate ninth doctor), bernice summerfield anthology vampire curse, , torchwood website.

vampires featured in big finish doctor 40th anniversary story zagreus. here account given vampires fed on mindless creatures bred themselves, until time lords attacking them forced them feed on sentient species. claimed here rassilon developed regeneration vampires.



varga plant

the varga plants (sometimes vaarga) appeared in first doctor episode mission unknown , serial daleks master plan, prologue , main epic respectively. created terry nation.

varga plants grew naturally on daleks homeworld, skaro, , when daleks set base on planet kembel brought varga plants them act sentries in jungle surrounding base. suited move around freely dragging along roots.

varga plants resemble cacti; covered in fur , thorns. pricked varga thorn consumed urge kill, while simultaneously becoming varga plant themself. grisly fate befell astronauts jeff garvey , gordon lowery, , commander, marc cory, forced kill them.

the plants later made appearance in big finish audio i, davros: purity. in this, revealed varga plants 1 of oldest species on skaro, of history had been immobile. since start of kaled-thal war however, exposure radiation , chemical weapons had caused them rapidly evolve deadlier form, capable of self-locomotion. discovery caused davros become interested in genetically engineering creatures in order create weapons of war. in dalek empire ii: dalek war, found on terraformed jupiter infected earth troops. appeared in city of daleks after time war infested ruined dalek city of kaalann on skaro here appearance different.


varosians descendants of prisoners kept on planet, though truth of has faded time, few knowing truth.

vashta nerada

vashta nerada (literally: shadows melt flesh) microscopic swarm creatures which, when present in high enough concentration, indistinguishable shadows, , use advantage in approaching , attacking prey. described piranhas of air , able strip victims bone in instant in high enough densities. doctor says every planet in universe has some, including earth, , claims can seen specks of dust visible in bright light. states reason sentient creatures have instinctual fear of dark. on planets, however, vashta nerada exist in relatively low concentrations, feeding on carrion, attacks on people being comparatively rare. in episode silence in library , unusually high concentration of vashta nerada had overrun 51st-century library , resulting in apparent death of inside @ time.

vashta nerada live in forested areas, , reproduce means of microscopic spores can lie dormant in wood pulp. in episode forest of dead , revealed reason unusual prevalence in library, made known books , library constructed of wood vashta nerada s native forest feeding grounds. individually, vashta nerada non-sentient, if large enough concentration come together, can form group mind of human-level intelligence capable of communication.

the fourth episode of doctor who: adventure games, shadows of vashta nerada , features them leading villain.


veils able step bodies of others, controlling them. can induce trance touching victims. can done extremely long tongue. in episode, prisoner of judoon, androvax, last veil, fugitive responsible destroying twelve planets, , pursued judoon after judoon prison ship containing him crashed on earth. returned on episode vault of secrets, seeking sarah jane, clyde , rani due fact ill , wanted return own kind. androvax successful in awakening survivors of veils searches new world them reside in.

in heaven sent, twelfth doctor encountered creature called veil while trapped in confession dial. creature modeled after image of rotting female corpse doctor saw in childhood, veil s purpose force doctor confess knew of hybrid.

venom grub


venusians inhabitants of planet venus, closest planet earth. had large feet, , 6 arms. third doctor employed form of venusian martial art (called venusian aikido or venusian karate) , sang venusian lullabies (to tune of god rest ye, merry gentlemen). venusian aikido allegedly hard two-armed beings learn. use appeared in serials inferno, day of daleks, , others. seventh doctor favored more subtle version involved applying single finger, seen in survival. fourth doctor revealed davros in genesis of daleks battle between venusians , daleks in space year 17,000 ended intervention of group of battleships planet hyperon. although venus today utterly devoid of life, virgin missing adventures novel venusian lullaby shows venus have been inhabited billions of years ago, before surface became hot support life.


a vervoid, on display @ doctor exhibition.

artificially created plant-based humanoids possess problem-solving intelligence , power of speech; intended perform tasks carried out robots, fraction of cost. unfortunately instead decided eradicate of animalkind . vervoids had size , strength of humans, covered in leaves provided them energy through photosynthesis. possessed thorns poisonous kill human on contact, , produce copious amounts of methane-based swamp gas.


the vespiform insectoid species resembling giant wasps, born en masse in hives in silfrax galaxy. each possesses ability morph other species. has ability breed other species, including humans, produce offspring. monster files feature establishes them ancient race , have fought quark rebels.

vespiform have telepathic connection objects called firestones, contains part of mind. earth s wasps, vespiform vulnerable water. vespiform-human hybrid can live normal life human until burst of intense emotion awakens alien biology. when vespiform morphs species emits purple light.

in unicorn , wasp , vespiform appears , goes on killing spree in style of agatha christie s murder mystery books. turns out reason vespiform s killings due firestone in possession of lady eddison, thinking christie s novels. furthermore, vespiform revealed lady eddison s illegitimate son: reverend golightly. in end, trying firestone back, vespiform dies chasing after item when donna noble throws lake.

the vigil


the vinvocci race of spiky green aliens first appeared in end of time. pair of vinvocci came earth part of salvage operation recover vinvocci technology—a medical device healing entire planets, joshua naismith named immortality gate . possess disguise technology referred doctor shimmer. when doctor notes similarity bannakaffalatta voyage of damned, noting distinction small, , red , vinvocci quick differentiate zocci; both races may @ odds each, explaining response. find racist when calls them cacti.


insectoid creatures attempted destroy earth in 1958, in dry springs of nevada.


visians invisible creatures indigenous planet mira. invisible, detectable footprints , sounds make while moving through jungle. doctor states 8 feet tall , extremely hostile, evidenced fact attack both doctor s party , daleks indiscriminately.


a highly advanced race of creatures specialise in virus experimentation. have featured in fifth doctor audio story mission of viyrans , sixth doctor audio stories patient 0 , blue forgotten planet. appeared in dark eyes 2.


the natives of planet voga, entirely made of gold. cybermen sought destroy planet, hinder organics ability combat them in cyber wars.


a race of amphibious humanoids introduced in first doctor serial keys of marinus.


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