Expulsion of civilians Planned destruction of Warsaw
warsaw uprising, august 1944
most of warsaw destroyed german forces during war. shown old town market place, dated january 1945.
in december 1939, first mass shootings of civilians took place in kampinos forest near warsaw, thousands killed 1943. in 1940, round-ups (łapanki) of civilians on streets , in homes became norm. did not manage escape sent concentration camps @ auschwitz , majdanek or forced slave labour in germany. nazis divided warsaw jewish sector, polish sector , german sector. programme of annihilation , ethnic cleansing systematically carried out starting polish jews , jews other areas shipped warsaw ghetto.
in 1940, germans turned northern part of mid-town warsaw, 1 square mile in size, jewish ghetto surrounded ten foot high walls , watch-towers. population swelled 500,000 estimates. between july 22 , october 3, 1942 ghetto evacuated. more 300,000 inhabitants perished in nazi camps; 70,000 remaining in ghetto employed slave labourers supplying german army. in april 1943 nazis undertook final destruction of ghetto triggered ghetto uprising. uprising put down mercilessly , whole district razed ground.
elsewhere in warsaw collective responsibility rule resulting in murders of thousands, resulted in warsaw uprising on august 1, 1944. in response, under orders heinrich himmler, warsaw kept under ceaseless barrage nazi artillery , air power sixty-three days , nights erich von dem bach, ss-gruppenführer , police general took on heinz reinefarth @ helm. von dem bach later wrote meeting reinefarth: reinefarth drew attention existence of clear order issued himmler. first thing told me has been distinctly ordered not take prisoners kill every inhabitant of warsaw. asked him, women , children, too? replied, yes, women , children, ... in wake of unprecedented planned destruction , ethnic cleansing, 1944 around 800,000 civilians killed, or 60% of population.
a few days after outbreak of uprising hans frank wrote in diary: warsaw sea of flames. set houses afire surest way deprive insurgents of hiding places. when crush uprising, warsaw deserves – complete annihilation.
in 1944, large transit camp (durchgangslager) constructed in pruszków s train repair shops (zakłady naprawcze taboru kolejowego) house evacuees expelled warsaw. in course of warsaw uprising , suppression, germans deported approximately 550,000 of city’s residents , approximately 100,000 civilians outskirts, sending them durchgangslager 121 (dulag 121). security police , ss segregated deportees , decided fate. approximately 650,000 people passed through pruszków camp in august, september, , october. approximately 55,000 sent concentration camps, including 13,000 auschwitz. included people variety of social classes, occupations, physical conditions, , ages. evacuees ranged infants few weeks old extremely elderly. in few cases, these people of different ethnic backgrounds, including jews living on aryan papers.
some people hid in deserted city. called robinson crusoes of warsaw (after robinson crusoe) or cavemen. germans called them rats , killed them if found within city ruins. best known warsaw robinson władysław szpilman. szpilman s experiences adapted in film pianist.
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