Biography Howard Carter (evangelist)

1 biography

1.1 1968-1979
1.2 1980-1992
1.3 1990-1991


carter born in auckland. parents claude , enid carter. after gaining initial teaching qualification worked teacher @ district high school, reporoa, new zealand, 1960-1961. following baptist minister @ manurewa (new zealand) baptist church, 1962-1968.


in late 1960s , 1970s decade influential in charismatic movement s growth in mainstream churches in australia , new zealand, regularly organising holy spirit teaching seminars in sydney. teaching centred on themes of christ s authority, victorious living, , charismatic gifts. majority of teachings distributed through logos/restore magazine , short books. carter charismatic leader, became involved number of fundamentalist authoritarian protestant religious groups , churches in australia , south pacific.

in mid-1970s instrumental in introducing shepherding movement , associated discipleship fort lauderdale 5 of christian growth ministries u.s.a. (cgm) oceania. teaching promoted pyramid-like authoritarian hierarchy in each disciple accountable personal pastor (usually cell group leader) whole-of-life direction , personal decisions, , written covenants encouraged - aspects theologically distanced logos movement new testament s priesthood of believers understood majority of mainstream protestant christians.

doctrines of submission god s delegated authorities in order provide covering , complete spiritual protection regularly promoted , narrowly applied wives obeying husbands, children obeying parents, , disciples obeying leaders. concept gained momentum on time , exercised in cult-like manner. leaders in movement required addressed titles brother , sister , carter taught, had side effect of distancing them socially further ordinary members in movement. brother howard announced in submitted relationship apostolic group @ cgm of bob mumford, ern baxter, charles simpson, derek prince , don basham. inferred being discipled in same way discipling followers, although subsequent events prove shallow claim. while teachings appeared biblical , promoting disciplined living, result non-leaders disempowering of abilities , neglect of utilisation of individual gifts , insights - focusing on star leaders rather developing unique ministries of every believer.


the logos-related churches in 1980 became australian fellowship of covenant communities , in mid-80s renamed covenant evangelical church. in 1980s howard carter led logos movement through shift in eschatology pre-millennialism (which described theology of defeat) post-millennialism (a theology of victory) of specific stream of dominionist, reconstructionist theology. of leadership team, including pastor david jackson of christian faith centre sydney, left movement owing doctrinal concerns carter s interpretations , teaching became more extreme , style more cultish , authoritarian. key member @ time, colin shaw, believed pastor howard carter anointed man of god , shaw later became right-hand man of carter in outreach , missionary works in quezon city, philippines. logos used filipino church, christian renewal center (a moderate pentecostal/charismatic church) base advance , promote teachings of shepherding movement , specific teaching of carter s logos foundation (australia). local assistance in philippines, colin shaw coordinated , sponsored under christian renewal centre s name, conferences featuring carter lead speaker. many poorly educated , sincere filipino pastors , locals, small churches influenced support logos foundation (australia) , begin tithing limited funds it. however, after revelation of howard carter s scandalous immorality , corrupt lifestyle broke, filipino wing of logos dissolved , dispersed established local churches. colin shaw said abandon shepherding movement @ time , engaged in soul searching , self exile time due extreme guilt felt on way filipino poor abused.

during period, unknown followers, carter living extravagant lifestyle involved first class air travel north american , other international locations, five-star hotels , many other luxuries beyond means of loyal supporters. carter drove mercedes benz , lived in opulent luxury in large mansion magnificent views toowoomba escarpment. logos foundation owned , operated australian staff, motel in canada. financial affairs of logos foundation shrouded in secrecy followers little or no true accountability regarding vast sums of money involved.

carter arguably infamous logos foundation s political campaign in 1989 queensland state election pushed position adherence fundamentalist christian doctrine more important consideration opposition widespread corruption in conservative queensland government had been exposed fitzgerald inquiry. campaign vehemently anti-homosexual , carter actively encouraged followers support appalling statements of bigotry , ignorance. @ times death penalty homosexuals advocated, in accordance old testament law. sydney morning herald later described part of campaign when published, homosexuality , censorship should determine vote, electorate told; corruption not major concern. same article quoted carter letter had written supporters @ time, greenies, gays , greedy marching. christians, conservatives , concerned must march . these views not new. earlier article published in herald quoted logos spokesman in reference call death penalty homosexuals in order rid queensland of such people, stated fact law on statutes best safeguard society .

at peak of power towards end of period, carter virtually unquestioned in authority. used so-called personal revelations god exert enormous influence on lives of followers , direction of organization. personal revelations put on par scripture followers , @ times, treated on , above scripture. in practice effective shift being solely fundamentalist religion realm of overt traits of cult. sydney morning herald published article in october 1990 quoted several disillusioned followers, including statement, ...we felt had lost control on our lives. dictated above , oppressive. centered around howard carter; had power


in 1990 carter lost control of logos foundation result of public adultery scandal. carter s alleged submission , accountability ft. lauderdale five, purported provide fail-safe discipleship in part protect him personal failures, ostensibly, farce. when carter exposed immoral , corrupt became known had engaged in sexual affairs dated many years


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