Zaralok List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens (Q–Z)

the zaralok shark-like creature prowled waters around flooded 23rd-century london, little more network of underwater tunnels codenamed poseidon . when doctor , amy land tardis in poseidon, zaralok attacks, attempting ram way glass tunnels. while having evade monster, 2 unravell mystery of poseidon, has fallen under threat not zaralok, vashta nerada , otherworldly radiation. discover anomalies arrived @ city when uss eldridge, american wwii-era ship had vanished through wormhole world hundreds of years ago, jumped through sea several days ago. however, ship became lodged in wormhole , held open, allowing creatures , radiation seep through. doctor , amy travel wreckage of eldridge , able close wormhole; zaralok seen being dragged own world, while other anomalies disappear it. name of creature derived Žralok, shark in slovak or czech language.


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