1426 Studium Generale Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas
nolli map, 1748, detail showing: (837) pantheon, (842) piazza della minerva, , insula sapientiae (island of wisdom) aka insula dominicana including (844) church , convent of santa maria sopra minerva , former college of st. thomas, including (843) palazzo della minerva c. 1560 (now bibliotecca del senato of italian government), guidetti cloister c. 1565 (nearest church), cisterna cloister,sala del refettorio, sale dell inquisizione, , sala delle capriate (former library of college of st. thomas) on second floor between cloisters.
the general chapter of 1304 mandated each of order s provinces establish studium generale meet demand of order s rapidly growing membership. studium @ santa maria sopra minerva raised level of studium generale roman province of order year 1426 , continued in roll until 1539. again affirmed studium generale in 1694 (see below).
on march 7, 1457, feast of st. thomas, humanist lorenzo valla delivered annual encomium in honor of angelic doctor. dominicans of minerva studium generale pressed valla not praise aquinas voice humanist criticism of scholastic thomism.
sisto fabri served professor of theology @ santa maria sopra minerva studium in mid 1550s. in 1585 fabri, master of order of preachers 1583-1598 undertake reformation of program of studies order , studium had been transformed college of st. thomas in 1577. fabri s reform included nine-year formation program consisting of 2 years of logic using summulae logicales of peter of spain alongside aristotle s logic, 3 years of philosophy including study of aristotle s de anima, physica, , metaphysica, , 4 years of theology using third part of aquinas summa speculative theology, , second part moral theology. fabri established professorship study of hebrew @ college.
in 1570 first edition of aquinas opera omnia, so-called editio piana pius v dominican pope commissioned it, produced there.
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