Radon testing Health effects of radon
a radon test kit.
there relatively simple tests radon gas. radon test kits commercially available. short-term radon test kits used screening purposes inexpensive, in many cases free. discounted test kits can purchased online through national radon program services @ kansas state university or through state radon offices. information local radon zones , specific state contact information can accessed through epa map @ https://www.epa.gov/radon/find-information-about-local-radon-zones-and-state-contact-information. the kit includes collector user hangs in lowest livable floor of dwelling 2 7 days. charcoal canisters type of short-term radon test, , designed used 2 4 days. user sends collector laboratory analysis. both devices passive, meaning not need power function.
it should noted accuracy of residential radon test depends upon lack of ventilation in house when sample being obtained. thus, occupants instructed not open windows, etc., ventilation during pendency of test, 2 days or more.
long-term kits, taking collections 3 months 1 year, available. open-land test kit can test radon emissions land before construction begins. lucas cell 1 type of long-term device. lucas cell active device, or 1 requires power function. active devices provide continuous monitoring, , can report on variation of radon , interference within testing period. these tests require operation trained testers , more expensive passive testing. national radon proficiency program (nrpp) provides list of radon measurement professionals.
radon levels fluctuate naturally. initial test might not accurate assessment of home s average radon level. transient weather can affect short term measurements. therefore, high result (over 4 pci/l) justifies repeating test before undertaking more expensive abatement projects. measurements between 4 , 10 pci/l warrant long-term radon test. measurements on 10 pci/l warrant short-term test abatement measures not unduly delayed. purchasers of real estate advised delay or decline purchase if seller has not abated radon 4 pci/l or less.
since radon concentrations vary substantially day day, single grab-type measurements not useful, except means of identifying potential problem area, , indicating need more sophisticated testing. epa recommends initial short-term test performed in closed building. initial short-term test of 2 90 days allows residents informed in case home contains high levels of radon. long-term tests provide better estimate of average annual radon level.
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