Campaigns Wahhabi War

painting of abdullah bin saud, convicted , executed after losing war.

muhammad ali ordered crush saudi state december 1807 sultan mustafa iv, internal strife within egypt prevented him giving full attention wahhabis. albanians not able recapture holy cities until 1811.

however, take until september 1818 wahhabi state end surrendering of leaders. ibrahim pasha, muhammad ali’s son, had taken on campaign in 1817. gaining support of volatile arabian tribes skillful diplomacy , lavish gifts, advanced central arabia occupy towns of unaizah , buraidah. joined of principal tribes, , marched saudi capital diriyah. march diriyah plagued wahhabi attacks. arrived in diriyah in april 1818. took until september wahhabis surrender, in part due ibrahim’s poorly trained army. diriyah destroyed in june 1819, , egyptian garrisons posted in principal towns. head of wahhabi state, abdullah bin saud, sent istanbul executed.


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