A Glossary of patent law terms
1 a
1.1 abandonment
1.2 annuity fee
1.3 application
1.4 assignor estoppel
1.5 auslegeschrift
1.6 author’s certificate
the reply of applicant office action must made within prescribed time limit. if no reply received within time period, application may considered, depending on jurisdiction, abandoned or deemed withdrawn, and, therefore, no longer pending.
annuity fee
a fee paid maintain patent or patent application in force. called maintenance fee or renewal fee .
an application patent, or patent application, request person or company competent authority (usually patent office) grant him patent. extension, patent application refers content of document person or company filed initiate application process. document contains description of invention , @ least 1 claim used define sought scope of protection.
assignor estoppel
in united states patent law, equitable estoppel barring patent s seller (assignor) attacking patent s validity if he/she found have infringed patent later.
in outdated german patent law, second reading, or publication, of patent application.
author’s certificate
a form of inventor s recognition formerly available in soviet union , number of socialist countries. called inventor s certificate .
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