Uses Allium bisceptrum
flowering allium bisceptrum ready leaves picked , eaten. mature plant may produce seeds , bulbs replanting.
twincrest onions grow @ high elevations , thrive in cold. seeds can planted outdoors in fall. not need warmed throughout winter. in fact, in warmer winters, plants may need kept @ lower temperatures insure growth , germination. soil must not drowned water. must kept relatively drained. seeds should planted in nice , dense model around 4 5 seeds per square foot of soil. watering on not necessary unless extremely dry. rain water should enough keep plant alive until germination in spring. when spring time arrives, 2 inches of water week should administered. if watered correctly, wild onions begin grow. can grow in sunlight, prefer shade. necessary keep soil nice , moist, not wet because these growing onion bulbs not have enough reserves keep plant alive. watering should discontinued yellow foliage begins appear. @ point, plant should ready mature , flower on own. @ least 3 5 years should expected plant reach flowering size.
the bulbs , bulblets of twincrest onion may planted well. maturity , flowering may come quicker planting bulbs planting seeds. so, bulbs must picked mature wild onion plant. these bulbs must stored in dry environment (paper bags dry peat moss ideal). late fall, when first frost comes, best time plant these bulbs. these bulbs should planted in acidic potting soil sand , humus drainage. daughter bulblets may planted next mature bulbs keep dense pattern. maintenance must in order make sure these bulbs not receive water. these bulbs germinate on own in spring time. when germination begins in spring, water must administered @ least once week. if dry , rainless week, water should administered twice week. adding liquid fertilizer may increase growth , vigor. when flowering occurs, watering may ceased.
while harvesting, washoe keep of plants intact plant continue seed. not uproot bulbs plants continue grow year after year.
the twincrest onion still used today many native americans including nevada northern paiute, gosiute, northern ute, , washoe. washoe use leaves , greens of plant spice , flavor foods. pick out young leaves , stems of plant after last of snow melts in spring. these young leaves , stems, inches ground delectable flavors range mild strong. washoe pray before picking these leaves in hopes of harvesting year. these leaves similar chives bought supermarkets. these leaves can used in various culinary forms, whether eaten raw, or stir fried meats , other vegetables.
wild animals in area such elk, black bears, white-tailed prairie dogs, , mantled ground squirrels eat bulbs of wild onions. cattle , sheep graze these plants.
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