Background First Jewish–Roman War

king herod ruled jerusalem 37 bce – 4 bce vassal king roman empire, having been appointed king of jews roman senate. herod great known tyrant, because of campaign kill claim throne. herod had relatives of previous dynasty, hasmonean dynasty, executed. included wife, daughter of hasmonean king, , of family members. herod created new line of nobility have loyalties him, known herodians. appointed new high priests families not connected past dynasty. after herod s death, several relatives made claims region, beginning herodian tetrarchy.

another aspect of herod s legacy economic hardship. labor workers, had been employed @ herod s large-scale construction sites, became impoverished. after herod s death, poor economy led riots, , due lack of leadership in region, violence not controlled. herod s void of leadership made region vulnerable riots , can considered anticipatory cause of great revolt.

after king herod died, , after deposition of herod archelaus, romans instituted procurators (technically prefects before 41) rule judeans. in beginning, roman procurators respected laws , customs of jewish people, allowing them rest on sabbath, granting them exemption pagan rituals, , minting coins free of images despite fact elsewhere coins bore images. when confronted procurator disrespected laws, , customs, jews petitioned governor of syria official removed, roman judea being satellite of syria . however, changed institution of gessius florus procurator (64-66 ce). florus helped set revolt in motion after stealing temple treasury, , murdering jews opposed desecration. faced florus procurator, jews attempted garner support governor of syria @ time cestius gallius. plea failed garner support. consequent riot erupted first in series of revolts, , led formation of several revolutionary factions. revolt further intensified when florus attempted stop riots, incited more revolutionary zeal.

following increasing roman domination of eastern mediterranean, semi-independent herodian dynasty officially merged roman empire in year 6 ce. transition of client kingdom roman province brought great deal of tension , jewish uprising judas of galilee erupted response census of quirinius. revolt put down romans.

the years 7–26 relatively calm, after 37 province again began source of trouble emperor caligula. cause of tensions in east of empire complicated, involving spread of greek culture, roman law , rights of jews in empire. caligula did not trust prefect of egypt, aulus avilius flaccus. flaccus had been loyal tiberius, had conspired against caligula s mother , had connections egyptian separatists. in 38, caligula sent agrippa alexandria unannounced check on flaccus. according philo, visit met jeers greek population, saw agrippa king of jews. flaccus tried placate both greek population , caligula having statues of emperor placed in jewish synagogues.

as result, extensive religious riots broke out in city. caligula responded removing flaccus position , executing him. in 39, agrippa accused herod antipas, tetrarch of galilee , perea, of planning rebellion against roman rule of parthia. herod antipas confessed , caligula exiled him. agrippa rewarded territories.

riots again erupted in alexandria in 40 between jews , greeks. jews accused of not honoring emperor. disputes occurred in city of jamnia. jews angered erection of clay altar , destroyed it. in response, caligula ordered erection of statue of himself in jewish temple of jerusalem, governor of syria, publius petronius, fearing civil war if order carried out, delayed implementing year. agrippa convinced caligula reverse order.

in year 46, insurrection jews broke out in judea province. jacob , simon uprising instigated 2 brothers jacob , simon , lasted between 46–48. revolt, concentrated in galilee, began sporadic insurgency , in 48 put down roman authorities , both brothers executed.


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