Demographic notes Carrigrohane parish (Church of Ireland)
1 demographic notes
1.1 more females
1.2 age
1.3 social class
1.4 occupations
1.5 conclusion
demographic notes
the percentage of church of ireland adherents in parish of carrigrohane (which adjoins ballincollig) far greater in 1901 corresponding percentage cork county. 1911, whereas cork county population had remained steady, church of ireland population in carrigrohane had fallen on half. main reason change decrease in numbers of soldiers living outside local barracks , servants.
more females
in both 1901 , 1911 there more females males in parish. example, in 1901 53.5% of population females while in 1911 percentage had increased 65%. not due changes in relative number of married men , women in area. main change occurred in single people. there significant decrease in numbers of male children families moved out of carrigrohane.
as overall population changed between 1901 , 1911, did age structure. in 1901 largest age groups 0-4 , 5-9 age groups. follows normal pattern of growing population. 1911 largest age groups 25-29 , 50–54 years. pattern of declining population. there less soldiers in population in 1911, census tells more native church of ireland population.
social class
the traditional picture of church of ireland population in ireland of upper–class grouping, high occupational status, e.g. landlords, merchants, bankers. study of census of 1901 , 1911 tell church of ireland population in carrigrohane?
if @ head of family only, high percentage found in class 1 (professional). there high percentage in class 3 (skilled occupations) , class 4 (partly skilled). similar pattern evident in 1911 except class 3 not feature prominently. therefore, while class picture true, not whole truth because ignores high number in partly skilled group. picture further truth when @ people other heads of family, e.g. boarders, sons, daughters. these belonged class 4 , class 5 (unskilled workers), , 1911 there greater number in class5. therefore, taking both heads of families , others class 4 , class 5 (the traditional working classes) largest groups. however, there still in 1911 20% of church of ireland in class 1, whereas traditional may true when comparing church of ireland roman catholics, not mention many lower class church of ireland.
when @ occupational structure find there high percentage of dependents, i.e. women , children. leaving aside dependents, domestic service largest occupational group. in both 1901 , 1911 accounted on 40% of occupied population. explains large number of single people, seen earlier, , class structure. domestic servants employed in next largest sector- public , professional service. these army personnel living outside barracks. reflects importance of military ballincollig in years.
there decline in church of ireland population living outside barracks between 1901 , 1911. due decrease in numbers of soldiers revealed weakness in native population. population had less young children needed replace aging population.
the carrigrohane population provides evidence support traditional picture of church of ireland population coming better off classes. shows many more church of ireland people in carrigrohane working class expected.
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