Further reading Paleoconservatism
1 further reading
1.1 right
1.2 critiques of neoconservatism
1.3 immigration
1.4 non-intervention
1.5 culture, history , social issues
1.6 critical views
further reading
about right
state of conservatism: symposium , intercollegiate review, spring 1986.
libertarians , conservatives each other: annotated bibliography , jude blanchette, lewrockwell.com, october 27, 2004.
buchanan, patrick j., right went wrong: how neoconservatives subverted reagan revolution , hijacked bush presidency, 2004. isbn 0-312-34115-6
francis, samuel t., statement of principles, published @ various journals, february 14, 2004.
kirk, russell. politics of prudence, 1993. isbn 1-882926-01-3
nisbet, robert, conservatism: dream , reality, 2001. isbn 0-7658-0862-5
critiques of neoconservatism
response norman podhoretz, patrick j. buchanan, letter wall street journal dated november 5, 1999.
war? , patrick j. buchanan, american conservative, march 24, 2003.
neo-con invasion , samuel t. francis. new american, august 5, 1996
notes on neoconservatism , paul gottfried, world , i, september 1986.
s in name? curious case of neoconservative , paul gottfried, vdare.com.
neoconservatives: endangered species , russell kirk. heritage foundation, heritage lecture 178, december 15, 1988.
among neocons , scott mcconnell, american conservative, april 11, 2003.
ideology of american empire , claes g. ryn, orbis 47 2003.
why not neoconservative stephen j. tonsor. national review, june 20, 1986.
brimelow, peter, alien nation: common sense america s immigration disaster, 1996. isbn 0-06-097691-8
buchanan, patrick j (2001). death of west: how dying populations , immigrant invasions imperil our country , civilization. isbn 0-312-28548-5.
buchanan, patrick j (october 4, 2006). nation or notion? (syndicated op-ed). conservative times.
buchanan, patrick j (2006). state of emergency: how illegal immigration destroying america. isbn 0-312-36003-7.
fleming, thomas, ed., immigration , american identity: selections chronicles, 1985–1995, 1995. isbn 0-9619364-7-9
francis, samuel t., america extinguished: mass immigration , disintegration of american culture , 2002. asin b0006s696u
american citizenship precious , phyllis schlafly, phyllis schlafly report, november 2005.
streitz, paul, america first: why americans must end free trade, stop outsourcing , close our open borders , 2006, isbn 0-9713498-9-4
williamson, chilton, immigration mystique: america s false conscience, 1996. isbn 0-465-03286-9
buchanan, patrick j., republic, not empire: reclaiming america s destiny, 1999. isbn 0-89526-272-x
fleming, thomas (september 18, 2001). pornography of compassion , cost of empire . chronicles extra.
kauffman, bill, america first!: history, culture, , politics, 1995. isbn 0-87975-956-9
lind, william s. understanding fourth generation war . antiwar.
ryn, claes, america virtuous: crisis of democracy , quest empire, 2003. isbn 0-7658-0219-8
zmirak, jp (january 13, 2003). america abstraction . american conservative.
culture, history , social issues
bradford, m. e., remembering are: observations of southern conservative, 1985. isbn 0-8203-0766-1
buchanan, patrick j (january 18, 2002). sad suicide of admiral nimitz (column). american cause.
kirk, russell, america s british culture, 1993. isbn 1-56000-066-x
kopff, e. christian, devil knows latin: why america needs classical tradition, 2000. isbn 1-882926-57-9
nisbet, robert, quest community: study in ethics of order , freedom, 1990. isbn 1-55815-058-7
roberts, paul craig, missing case free trade , vdare, march 15, 2004.
save america? . counterpunch. february 6, 2006. archived original on august 22, 2006.
roepke, wilhelm. social crisis of our time, 1991. isbn 1-56000-580-7
sailer, stephen ‘steve’ (january 15, 2007). fragmented future: multiculturalism doesn t make vibrant communities defensive ones . american conservative.
sailer, stephen ‘steve’ (may 25, 2000). reality of race . vdare. isteve.
woods, thomas e. jr., politically incorrect guide american history , 2004. isbn 0-89526-047-6
critical views
pat buchanan in own words (unbylined press release). fair. february 26, 1996. .
auster, lawrence (march 19, 2004). buchanan s white whale . frontpage. .
hoppe, hans-hermann (march 2005). intellectual incoherence of conservatism . mises institute. .
tucker, jeffrey (march 23, 2002). buchanan , market . lew rockwell. .
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