Events 339 BC

1 events

1.1 place

1.1.1 greece
1.1.2 roman republic

by place

philip ii of macedon decides attack scythians, using excuse reluctance allow philip dedicate statue of heracles @ danube estuary. 2 armies clash on plains of modern-day dobruja. ninety-year-old king of scythians, ateas, killed during battle , army routed.
during meeting amphictyonic council, philip accuses citizens of town of amfissa, in locris, of intruding on consecrated ground. amphictyonic congress, initial support of athenian representative, aeschines, decides inflict harsh punishment upon locrians. after failure of first military excursion against locrians, summer session of amphictyonic council gives command of league s forces philip , asks him lead second excursion. philip acts @ once, , forces pass through thermopylae, enter amfissa , defeat locrians led chares, athenian general , mercenary commander.
xenocrates elected head of greek academy replacing speusippus.

roman republic

the roman consul titus manlius imperiosus torquatus defeats latins in battle of trifanum.


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