Fin de siècle era and the fusion of Maurrasism with Sorelianism (1880–1914) Fascism

french nationalist , reactionary monarchist charles maurras influenced fascism. maurras promoted called integral nationalism, called organic unity of nation , maurras insisted powerful monarch ideal leader of nation. maurras distrusted considered democratic mystification of popular created impersonal collective subject. claimed powerful monarch personified sovereign exercise authority unite nation s people. maurras integral nationalism idealized fascists, modified modernized revolutionary form devoid of maurras monarchism.

french revolutionary syndicalist georges sorel promoted legitimacy of political violence in work reflections on violence (1908) , other works in advocated radical syndicalist action achieve revolution overthrow capitalism , bourgeoisie through general strike. in reflections on violence, sorel emphasized need revolutionary political religion. in work illusions of progress, sorel denounced democracy reactionary, saying nothing more aristocratic democracy . 1909 after failure of syndicalist general strike in france, sorel , supporters left radical left , went radical right, sought merge militant catholicism , french patriotism views—advocating anti-republican christian french patriots ideal revolutionaries. sorel had officially been revisionist of marxism, 1910 announced abandonment of socialist literature , claimed in 1914, using aphorism of benedetto croce socialism dead because of decomposition of marxism . sorel became supporter of reactionary maurrassian nationalism beginning in 1909 influenced works. maurras held interest in merging nationalist ideals sorelian syndicalism means confront democracy. maurras stated socialism liberated democratic , cosmopolitan element fits nationalism well made glove fits beautiful hand .

enrico corradini

the fusion of maurrassian nationalism , sorelian syndicalism influenced radical italian nationalist enrico corradini. corradini spoke of need nationalist-syndicalist movement, led elitist aristocrats , anti-democrats shared revolutionary syndicalist commitment direct action , willingness fight. corradini spoke of italy being proletarian nation needed pursue imperialism in order challenge plutocratic french , british. corradini s views part of wider set of perceptions within right-wing italian nationalist association (ani), claimed italy s economic backwardness caused corruption in political class, liberalism, , division caused ignoble socialism . ani held ties , influence among conservatives, catholics , business community. italian national syndicalists held common set of principles: rejection of bourgeois values, democracy, liberalism, marxism, internationalism , pacifism; , promotion of heroism, vitalism , violence. ani claimed liberal democracy no longer compatible modern world, , advocated strong state , imperialism, claiming humans naturally predatory , nations in constant struggle, in strongest survive.

filippo tommaso marinetti, italian modernist author of futurist manifesto (1909) , later co-author of fascist manifesto (1919)

futurism both artistic-cultural movement , political movement in italy led filippo tommaso marinetti founded futurist manifesto (1908), championed causes of modernism, action, , political violence necessary elements of politics while denouncing liberalism , parliamentary politics. marinetti rejected conventional democracy based on majority rule , egalitarianism, new form of democracy, promoting described in work futurist conception of democracy following: therefore able give directions create , dismantle numbers, quantity, mass, number, quantity , mass never be—as in germany , russia—the number, quantity , mass of mediocre men, incapable , indecisive .

futurism influenced fascism in emphasis on recognizing virile nature of violent action , war being necessities of modern civilization. marinetti promoted need of physical training of young men, saying in male education, gymnastics should take precedence on books, , advocated segregation of genders on matter, in womanly sensibility must not enter men s education whom marinetti claimed must lively, bellicose, muscular , violently dynamic .


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