World War I and its aftermath (1914–1929) Fascism

1 world war , aftermath (1914–1929)

1.1 impact of world war i
1.2 impact of bolshevik revolution
1.3 fascist manifesto of 1919
1.4 italian fascists in 1920
1.5 fascist violence in 1922

world war , aftermath (1914–1929)

benito mussolini (here in 1917 soldier in world war i), in 1914 founded , led fasci d azione rivoluzionaria promote italian intervention in war revolutionary nationalist action liberate italian-claimed lands austria-hungary

at outbreak of world war in august 1914, italian political left became severely split on position on war. italian socialist party (psi) opposed war number of italian revolutionary syndicalists supported war against germany , austria-hungary on grounds reactionary regimes had defeated ensure success of socialism. angelo oliviero olivetti formed pro-interventionist fascio called fasci of international action in october 1914. benito mussolini upon being expelled position chief editor of psi s newspaper avanti! anti-german stance, joined interventionist cause in separate fascio. term fascism first used in 1915 members of mussolini s movement, fasci of revolutionary action.

the first meeting of fasci of revolutionary action held on 24 january 1915 when mussolini declared necessary europe resolve national problems—including national borders—of italy , elsewhere ideals of justice , liberty oppressed peoples must acquire right belong national communities descended . attempts hold mass meetings ineffective , organization regularly harassed government authorities , socialists.

german soldiers being cheered in lübeck during advance front lines in 1914 during world war i, concept of spirit of 1914 johann plenge identified outbreak of war forging national solidarity of germans

similar political ideas arose in germany after outbreak of war. german sociologist johann plenge spoke of rise of national socialism in germany within termed ideas of 1914 declaration of war against ideas of 1789 (the french revolution). according plenge, ideas of 1789 included rights of man, democracy, individualism , liberalism being rejected in favor of ideas of 1914 included german values of duty, discipline, law , order. plenge believed racial solidarity (volksgemeinschaft) replace class division , racial comrades unite create socialist society in struggle of proletarian germany against capitalist britain. believed spirit of 1914 manifested in concept of people s league of national socialism . national socialism form of state socialism rejected idea of boundless freedom , promoted economy serve whole of germany under leadership of state. national socialism opposed capitalism because of components against national interest of germany, insisted national socialism strive greater efficiency in economy. plenge advocated authoritarian rational ruling elite develop national socialism through hierarchical technocratic state.

impact of world war i

fascists viewed world war bringing revolutionary changes in nature of war, society, state , technology, advent of total war , mass mobilization had broken down distinction between civilian , combatant, civilians had become critical part in economic production war effort , arose military citizenship in citizens involved military in manner during war. world war had resulted in rise of powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people serve on front lines or provide economic production , logistics support on front lines, having unprecedented authority intervene in lives of citizens. fascists viewed technological developments of weaponry , state s total mobilization of population in war symbolizing beginning of new era fusing state power mass politics, technology , particularly mobilizing myth contended had triumphed on myth of progress , era of liberalism.

members of italy s arditi corps (here in 1918 holding daggers, symbol of group), formed in 1917 groups of soldiers trained dangerous missions, refusal surrender , willingness fight death , black uniform , adopted italian fascist movement adopted in homage arditi

impact of bolshevik revolution

the october revolution of 1917—in bolshevik communists led vladimir lenin seized power in russia—greatly influenced development of fascism. in 1917, mussolini, leader of fasci of revolutionary action, praised october revolution, later became unimpressed lenin, regarding him merely new version of tsar nicholas. after world war i, fascists have commonly campaigned on anti-marxist agendas.

liberal opponents of both fascism , bolsheviks argue there various similarities between two, including believed in necessity of vanguard leadership, had disdain bourgeois values , argued had totalitarian ambitions. in practice, both have commonly emphasized revolutionary action, proletarian nation theories, one-party states , party-armies. however, both draw clear distinctions each other both in aims , tactics, bolsheviks emphasizing need organized participatory democracy , egalitarian, internationalist vision society while fascists emphasize hyper-nationalism , open hostility towards democracy, envisioning hierarchical social structure essential aims.

with antagonism between anti-interventionist marxists , pro-interventionist fascists complete end of war, 2 sides became irreconcilable. fascists presented anti-marxists , opposed marxists. mussolini consolidated control on fascist movement in 1919 founding of fasci italiani di combattimento.

the fascist manifesto of 1919

in 1919, alceste de ambris , futurist movement leader filippo tommaso marinetti created manifesto of italian fasci of combat (the fascist manifesto). manifesto presented on 6 june 1919 in fascist newspaper il popolo d italia. manifesto supported creation of universal suffrage both men , women (the latter being realized partly in late 1925, opposition parties banned or disbanded); proportional representation on regional basis; government representation through corporatist system of national councils of experts, selected professionals , tradespeople, elected represent , hold legislative power on respective areas, including labour, industry, transportation, public health, communications, etc.; , abolition of italian senate. manifesto supported creation of eight-hour work day workers, minimum wage, worker representation in industrial management, equal confidence in labour unions in industrial executives , public servants, reorganization of transportation sector, revision of draft law on invalidity insurance, reduction of retirement age 65 55, strong progressive tax on capital, confiscation of property of religious institutions , abolishment of bishoprics , revision of military contracts allow government seize 85% of profits. called creation of short-service national militia serve defensive duties, nationalization of armaments industry , foreign policy designed peaceful competitive.

residents of fiume cheer arrival of gabriele d annunzio , blackshirt-wearing nationalist raiders, d annunzio , fascist alceste de ambris developed quasi-fascist italian regency of carnaro (a city-state in fiume) 1919 1920 , actions d annunzio in fiume inspired italian fascist movement

the next events influenced fascists in italy raid of fiume italian nationalist gabriele d annunzio , founding of charter of carnaro in 1920. d annunzio , de ambris designed charter, advocated national-syndicalist corporatist productionism alongside d annunzio s political views. many fascists saw charter of carnaro ideal constitution fascist italy. behaviour of aggression towards yugoslavia , south slavs pursued italian fascists persecution of south slavs—especially slovenes , croats.

italian fascists in 1920

in 1920, militant strike activity industrial workers reached peak in italy , 1919 , 1920 known red years . mussolini , fascists took advantage of situation allying industrial businesses , attacking workers , peasants in name of preserving order , internal peace in italy.

fascists identified primary opponents majority of socialists on left had opposed intervention in world war i. fascists , italian political right held common ground: both held marxism in contempt, discounted class consciousness , believed in rule of elites. fascists assisted anti-socialist campaign allying other parties , conservative right in mutual effort destroy italian socialist party , labour organizations committed class identity above national identity.

fascism sought accommodate italian conservatives making major alterations political agenda—abandoning previous populism, republicanism , anticlericalism, adopting policies in support of free enterprise , accepting roman catholic church , monarchy institutions in italy. appeal italian conservatives, fascism adopted policies such promoting family values, including promotion policies designed reduce number of women in workforce limiting woman s role of mother. fascists banned literature on birth control , increased penalties abortion in 1926, declaring both crimes against state. though fascism adopted number of positions designed appeal reactionaries, fascists sought maintain fascism s revolutionary character, angelo oliviero olivetti saying: fascism conservative, [be] being revolutionary . fascists supported revolutionary action , committed secure law , order appeal both conservatives , syndicalists.

prior fascism s accommodation of political right, fascism small, urban, northern italian movement had thousand members. after fascism s accommodation of political right, fascist movement s membership soared approximately 250,000 1921.

fascist violence in 1922

beginning in 1922, fascist paramilitaries escalated strategy 1 of attacking socialist offices , homes of socialist leadership figures 1 of violent occupation of cities. fascists met little serious resistance authorities , proceeded take on several northern italian cities. fascists attacked headquarters of socialist , catholic labour unions in cremona , imposed forced italianization upon german-speaking population of trent , bolzano. after seizing these cities, fascists made plans take rome.

benito mussolini 3 of 4 quadrumvirs during march on rome (from left right: unknown, de bono, mussolini, balbo , de vecchi)

on 24 october 1922, fascist party held annual congress in naples, mussolini ordered blackshirts take control of public buildings , trains , converge on 3 points around rome. fascists managed seize control of several post offices , trains in northern italy while italian government, led left-wing coalition, internally divided , unable respond fascist advances. king victor emmanuel iii of italy perceived risk of bloodshed in rome in response attempting disperse fascists high. victor emmanuel iii decided appoint mussolini prime minister of italy , mussolini arrived in rome on 30 october accept appointment. fascist propaganda aggrandized event, known march on rome , seizure of power because of fascists heroic exploits.


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