Subspecies Timothy-grass
cultivation , uses
timothy-grass unintentionally introduced north america settlers, , first described in 1711 john hurd plants growing in new hampshire. hurd named grass hurd grass farmer named timothy hanson began promote cultivation of hay 1720, , grass has been known present name since then. timothy has become naturalized throughout of , canada.
it commonly grown cattle feed and, in particular, hay horses. relatively high in fibre, when cut late. considered harsh, coarse grass little relished livestock if cut earlier. considered part of standard mix grass hay , provides quality nutrition horses. timothy hay staple food domestic pet rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, , degus, making bulk of diet. timothy hay rich in long fibre , abrasive texture helps grind down teeth, keeping both teeth , jaw in order.
the caterpillars of lepidoptera use food plant, e.g. essex skipper (thymelicus lineola) , marbled white (melanargia galathea). grows in roadsides , abandoned fields requires nutrient-rich soils.
its pollen common allergen; has been used in small amounts part of new hay fever vaccine grazax, designed recondition body s immune system no longer responds pollen.
plants persist through winter. dead, straw-colored flowering stems may persist, short time, , recognized distinctive spike-like inflorescence.
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