R List of Doctor Who universe creatures and aliens (Q–Z)
1 r
1.1 raak
1.2 racnoss
1.3 raxacoricofallapatorians
1.4 reaper
1.5 red leech
1.6 refusian
1.7 ribosian
1.8 rill
1.9 rutan
the raak sea monster experimented on crozier in mindwarp.
the racnoss appeared in tenth doctor story runaway bride in 2006.
the racnoss described tenth doctor ancient race of aliens dark times of universe. half-humanoid, half-arachnid in appearance, invasion force consumed on planets conquered. race wiped out fledgling empires, on 4.6 billion years ago. although time lords not specified being part of empires, doctor acknowledges people unravelled power source, huon particles, , upon hearing name of doctor s planet, gallifrey, empress claims murdered racnoss. doctor , donna noble shown witnessing of survivors of race escape in ship earth later form, serving in place of planetesimal core, hibernating billions of years, exception of empress. doctor notes because huon particles ceased exist, surviving racnoss stuck in hibernation. empress seen coming earth in ship, webstar in episode, seeking use huon particles had been recreated torchwood institute using water of river thames means of reviving children before feasting on human population of earth. last racnoss presumed wiped out when doctor drains waters of thames down shaft leading ship; empress killed when own ship destroyed british army @ order of mr saxon .
the empress appears briefly in flashback in turn left (2008). in parallel universe created donna, has still been defeated, doctor, without donna stop him , save life, shown having drowned; unit soldier speculates died fast him regenerate ; without protection, earth shown becoming dystopia on next few years.
slitheen, shown @ doctor experience
native raxacoricofallapatorius, raxacoricofallapatorians grouped extended family names used refer species generically. hatch eggs , composed of living calcium. capital punishment practised on home world, involves immersion of convicted criminals in acid dissolves them while still alive.
the slitheen family ruthless criminal sect motivated profit. convicted crimes on raxacoricofallapatorius, have been exiled homeworld , face execution if return.
the blathereen family sworn enemies of slitheen, , have infiltrated prison on planet justicia.
a raxacoricofallapatorian appears in alien bar in end of time.
reapers appeared in ninth doctor episode father s day , written paul cornell. although not named on screen, referred reapers in publicity material episode. production team based design on grim reaper, tails shaped scythes.
reapers multi-limbed, flying creatures similar pterosaurs, large wingspan, sharp teeth both in form of beak , secondary mouth in torsos, coupled rapacious attitude. reapers apparently extradimensional, materialising , dematerialising out of spacetime vortex. attracted temporal paradoxes damage time, bacteria swarming around wound. proceed sterilise wound consuming in sight. older thing devour more satisfies them.
once in dimension, however, can blocked material barriers. older barriers, more effective are, oldest of barriers cannot stop them forever. paradoxes can allow them directly materialise @ spot of paradox. if timeline restored, vanish, actions reversed if had never happened.
in father s day , doctor explained when time lords still around, there laws prevent spread of paradoxes , such paradoxes repaired. implies reapers natural phenomenon manifestation prevented if paradox resolved quickly. however, elimination of other time lords in time war, there no longer agency repair time.
red leech
a parasite native jurassic, red leech secreted deadly venom. considered menace silurians. 1 survived until near end of 19th century, found mrs. gillyflower, named mr. sweet . mr. sweet shared symbiotic relationship gillyflower, giving venom in exchange simple needs. abandoned gillyflower when fell death, killed daughter ada.
an alien species in endless war sontarans, rutans appear jellyfish-like glowing green spheres. zygons, rutans can shapeshift @ will. vulnerable sound frequencies.
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