Secretariat United Nations

the un secretariat headed secretary-general, assisted staff of international civil servants worldwide. provides studies, information, , facilities needed un bodies meetings. carries out tasks directed security council, general assembly, economic , social council, , other un bodies.

the current secretary-general, antónio guterres

the secretary-general acts de facto spokesperson , leader of un. position defined in un charter organization s chief administrative officer . article 99 of charter states secretary-general can bring security council s attention matter in opinion may threaten maintenance of international peace , security , phrase secretaries-general since trygve lie have interpreted giving position broad scope action on world stage. office has evolved dual role of administrator of un organization , diplomat , mediator addressing disputes between member states , finding consensus global issues.

the secretary-general appointed general assembly, after being recommended security council, permanent members have veto power. there no specific criteria post, on years has become accepted post shall held 1 or 2 terms of 5 years. current secretary-general antónio guterres, replaced ban ki-moon in 2017.


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