Swedish Languages of Finland

swedish main language of 5.4% of population (92.4% in Åland autonomous province), down 14% @ beginning of 20th century. in 2012, 44% of finnish citizens registered primary language swedish hold conversation in language. swedish north germanic language, closely related norwegian , danish. subbranch of indo-european, closely related other germanic languages such german , english.

swedish language of administration until late 19th century. today 1 of 2 main official languages, position equal finnish in legislation, though working language in governmental bodies finnish. both finnish , swedish compulsory subjects in school exception children third language native language. completed language test prerequisite governmental offices university degree required.

the 4 largest swedish-speaking communities in finland, in absolute numbers, of helsinki, espoo, porvoo , vaasa, constitute significant minorities. helsinki, capital, had swedish-speaking majority until late in 19th century. 7000610000000000000♠6.1% of population of helsinki swedish-speaking , 9.6% speaks languages other finnish , swedish.

the swedish dialects spoken in finland mainland known finland-swedish. there rich finland-swedish literature, including authors such tove jansson, johan ludvig runeberg, edith södergran , zacharias topelius. runeberg considered finland s national poet , wrote national anthem, vårt land , later translated finnish.


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