Characters Crimson Sea
1 characters
1.1 g-squad
1.2 iag
1.3 archeomusiologists
sho - story s protagonist. worked private detective friend yangqin, drafted rather forcefully live-d become g-squad s leader. while courageous , kind-hearted, sho can bit noble @ times , before met shami, had romantic issues women in past including 1 of them deliberately punched him , took money away. during private detective days yangqin berate him refusing accept payment because didn t want deprive families of food money , having romantic issues women, before shami came. learn vipa, one-of-a-kind superhuman enhanced natural abilities , capable of tapping power known neo-psionics. during youth became vipa during experiment @ lab on crimson planet, lab destroyed in disaster connected 2 years later , having memories taken away iag itself. many within theophilus, respected general ekdahl, when learned childhood friend cello, grew despise him ruthless ways. became quite fond of shami , became boyfriend later in sequel, , if not still might have been tempted join ekdahl.
yangqin - sho s best friend. short, street-wise young man, yangqin complimented sho s personality cool realistic views opposed friend s idealism. acted sho s partner during detective days , continue when drafted iag. valuable ally, yangqin impress many people ability solve mysteries , fix machines. in return, however, wasn t afraid speak mind, him trouble. instantly fell in love diez when joined squad.
shami - shami caring woman , member of iag. part of a-squad, transferred g-squad due next assignment required own unique usage of neo-psionics. in addition soft heart towards living beings, believes in working hard , never giving up. found herself eager sho learn more of mysterious past , fell in love him. if not sho might have joined ekdahl in mad scheme, though killed because of this. sho began call princess of heart, ironic later learned princess of semplice.
bow rahn - bow rahn may appear big , tough, has no real courage speak of. sounds bit childish when speaking, making him seem baby trapped inside giant s body. member of g-squad, bow rahn welcomed sho commander , began develop more courage help. relies on kecak lot, pretty older sister him. acts g-squad s heavy firepower. had crush on shami.
kecak - g-squad s resident egomaniac , daughter of mercenary king in agitato, kecak big-talking, cool-headed incompetent sort of woman. carries history of quitting selected employment whenever going gets remotely tough. while welcomed sho squad s commander, still act real key player squad, though ever case. treats bow rahn little brother. seems jealous when men admiring woman other , comments s appearance.
diez - intimidating woman served under general ekdahl. following transfer g-squad sort of exchange program, considered untrustworthy she-devil. cold, aggressive demeanor had many people write off warrior tomboy. however, g-squad discovered, underneath had kind heart, holding sentimental value stuffed animal , willingness whatever teammates. go far give shami of life energy wouldn t die, though found woman s romance sho disgusting. these actions made rest of g-squad welcome trusted friend.
live-d (mei) - rather enchanting-looking female commander of iag. cool, secretive , straight business, tell subordinates felt needed know, making trust low. still, capable leader , did yield results, respected. later learned childhood friend of sho s, having been @ same lab raised vipa, though wasn t part of project. during destruction of lab helped him escape flames. while bound military law, willing bend rules should have no other choice.
shahanai - rigid leader of iag s a-squad , excellent soldier. not fan of emotion, berate showed sort of sensitivity. before arrival of sho, poke fun @ kecak , bow rahn constant cowardice , failures, teammates joining in. following d merely resort calling sho unspecial person ugly mug, though secretly harbored level of respect him.
tabla sicu - 1 of archeomusiologists sho first encountered. 1 of people involved in vipa project when sho still in youth in crimson planet, until disaster struck. appearance-wise, looks inhuman
ud - 1 of archeomusiologists sho encounters in grarve. although appeared human, has light blue skin.
zither - 1 of archeomusiologists sho encounters in semplice. warned sho powers , fact sho become monster, due exposure of vipa wave received then.
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