Mating Aphomia sociella
1 mating
1.1 male/male interactions
1.2 female/male interactions
1.2.1 pheromones
1.2.2 courtship
male/male interactions
male sex pheromones can serve ward off other competing males either direct repulsion odor or causing females stop own calling behavior of wing fanning. males have been shown physically attack other competing males territory in mating process.
female/male interactions
male , female bee moths both capable of releasing pheromones in order attract opposite sex. females release pheromone contains hexan-1-ol, 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-ol, , 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-one. 2 compounds hexan-1-ol , tmpd-one serve boost strength of tmpd-ol shown cause males begin ultrasonic signaling , proceed in courtship process.
male bee moths attract females using sex pheromone released glands in wings. pheromone sufficient cause female attraction. major component of pheromone has been found 3,4-dihydro-9-hydroxy-3-methylisocoumarin (r-mellein).
the honeycombs bee moth larvae feed on shown contain fungus called aspergillus ochraceus known produce mellein. experiments found same asp. ochraceus fungus in intestines of bee moth larvae suggests sex pheromone of mellein biosynthesized microorganism.
males begin courtship process silently fanning wings in 1 second intervals followed half second of rest. @ same time males release sex pheromones has floral odor triggers flying or walking response in females. when female approaches male bee moth, male begin next step in courtship process includes walking, wing fanning, , “courting songs” ultrasonic sounds emitted male’s tegula. female respond male walking, wing fanning, , emitting own courtship pheromones. after female assumes copulation position, male can proceed mate. if female repeatedly unreceptive male’s courtship, male revert first step of courtship ritual , try again female. other variables, such female wing-beat sounds , substrate vibrations may play part in courtship process.
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