Controversies Union Cycliste Internationale
1 controversies
1.1 helmet use in road racing
1.2 bribery , doping
1.3 doping , defamation lawsuits
1.4 sufferance of international law violation
helmet use in road racing
for decades, professional road cyclists refused wear helmets. first serious attempt uci introduce compulsory helmet use 1991 paris–nice race, resulted in riders strike, , uci abandoned idea.
after death of andrei kivilev in 2003 paris–nice, new rules introduced on 5 may 2003, 2003 giro d italia being first major race affected. 2003 rules allowed discarding helmets during final climbs of @ least 5 kilometres in length; subsequent revisions made helmet use mandatory @ times.
bribery , doping
the uci accused of accepting bribe in 1990s introduce keirin, track cycling race, olympics. investigation bbc claims uci paid approximately $3,000,000 japanese sources add race olympic programme, denied uci.
when floyd landis confessed using performance-enhancing drugs throughout career in may 2010, alleged uci had accepted bribe lance armstrong cover epo positive after 2001 tour de suisse.
discussing doping in 2012, uci president pat mcquaid emphasised fact organisation first entity introduce blood tests, first sport introduce test epo .
in november 2013, armstrong settled lawsuit acceptance insurance company (aic). aic had sought recover $3 million had paid armstrong bonuses winning tour de france 1999–2001. suit settled undisclosed sum 1 day before armstrong scheduled give oral deposition under oath. in sworn, written deposition lawsuit, armstrong stated, armstrong has not paid or offered pay keep or others doping secret. however, armstrong has, on occasion, provided benefits or made contributions many people , institutions, of whom may have been aware of, or suspected armstrong s use of performance-enhancing drugs , banned methods. armstrong never provided such benefits or contributions intent payoff keep doping secret.
doping , defamation lawsuits
the uci has sued or threatened sue several cyclists, journalists, , writers defamation after accused of corruption or other misdeeds related doping. many, though not all, of these suits heard in est vaudois district court of vevey, switzerland
in 2002 uci sued festina soigneur willy voet on claims in book breaking chain. in 2004 uci won case, , in 2006 won appeal. voet had made various claims uci , verbruggen s behavior related laurent brochard lidocaine case @ 1997 uci road world championships.
in 2006, according cycling news, uci contacted greg lemond after interview did in 2006 l equipe, , threatened sue him defamation. lemond mentioned uci-commissioned vrijman report, operacion puerto, , called body corrupt .
another lawsuit hein verbruggen against wada chief dick pound in swiss court regarding comments doping , uci. lawsuit settled parties in 2009.
in 2011, uci sued floyd landis in switzerland after landis accused body of several misdeeds, including aforementioned alleged coverup involving lance armstrong , 2001 tour de suisse. in 2012 cycling news reported district court had ruled uci against landis.
in 2012 uci president pat mcquaid , former president hein verbruggen, uci itself, sued journalist paul kimmage in switzerland defamation. kimmage had been racer , had long history of investigating doping in sport, including book and, more recent suit, articles sunday times , l equipe discussed doping , uci. greg lemond, david walsh , others voiced support kimmage , legal defense fund set assist him.
sufferance of international law violation
under approval of uci, free rate downhill race took place in may 2015 on crimea, internationally recognised ukrainian territory annexed russian federation in march 2014. officially overseeing international competition russian license on ukrainian peninsula, uci first , international sports governing body undermined territorial integrity of ukraine. yet, in aftermath of scandal of sports , international law uci negotiated cycling federation of ukraine and, in november 2015, announced remove free rate downhill race officially uci international calendar.
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