Mathematics and science List of child prodigies
1 mathematics , science
1.1 mathematics
1.1.1 born 1600–1699
1.1.2 born 1700–1799
1.1.3 born 1800–1899
1.1.4 born 1900–1999
1.1.5 born 2000–present
1.1.6 mental calculators
1.2 physics
1.3 astronomy
1.4 chemistry
1.5 biology
1.6 psychology
1.7 computer science
mathematics , science
born 1600–1699
juan caramuel y lobkowitz (1606–1682) spanish scholastic philosopher, ecclesiastic, mathematician, , writer. precocious child, delving serious problems in mathematics , publishing astronomical tables in tenth year.
blaise pascal (1623–1662) french mathematician, physicist, , religious philosopher wrote treatise on vibrating bodies @ age of nine; wrote first proof, on wall piece of coal, @ age of 11 years, , theorem age of 16 years. famous pascal s theorem , many other contributions in mathematics, philosophy, , physics.
born 1700–1799
andré-marie ampère (1775–1836) wrote treatise on conic sections @ age of 13 , mastered of known mathematics age of 18.
carl friedrich gauss (1777–1855) made first ground-breaking mathematical discoveries while still teenager. @ age of 3 watched father add accounts , corrected him.
born 1800–1899
william rowan hamilton (1805–1865), mathematician, read hebrew @ age of 7 years, , studied arabic, persian, greek, latin, syriac, sanskrit , 4 other continental languages @ age of 12 years.
Évariste galois (1811–1832), bored , rebellious lycée pupil introduced legendre s book on geometry. in words of e.t. bell he, read other boys read pirate yarn . ignoring teachers, himself sought out , studied works of lagrange , abel.
srinivasa ramanujan (1887–1920), indian mathematician , autodidact who, no formal training in pure mathematics, learned college-level mathematics age 11, , generated own theorems in number theory , bernoulli numbers age 13 (including independently re-discovering euler s identity).
norbert wiener (1894–1964) began graduate studies @ age 14 @ harvard , awarded phd @ 18 dissertation on mathematical logic.
william james sidis (1898–1944) set record in 1909 becoming youngest person enroll @ harvard college, @ age of 11 years.
born 1900–1999
from left right: gabriel carroll, reid barton, liang xiao, , zhiqiang zhang - 4 perfect scorers in 2001 international mathematical olympiad (imo).
ted kaczynski (born may 22, 1942), unabomber , child prodigy excelled academically age. kaczynski accepted harvard university @ age of 16, earned undergraduate degree, , later earned phd in mathematics university of michigan. became assistant professor @ university of california, berkeley @ age 25, resigned 2 years later.
per enflo (born 1944), swedish mathematician, piano prodigy
charles fefferman (born april 18, 1949) entered college @ age eleven, later becoming youngest full professor in united states. has won many major awards in mathematics, including fields medal.
jay luo (born 1970), received boise state university honors in mathematics @ age of 12 become youngest university graduate in united states history.
ruth lawrence (born 1971), passed oxford university interview entrance examination in mathematics, coming first out of 530 candidates sitting examination @ age of 10. @ age of 13 became youngest graduate university of oxford in modern times.
jason levy (born 1972), began york university in toronto in 1982 @ age 10. graduated specialized honours b.a. in mathematics @ 14. received (mathematics) university of toronto in 1987 @ age 15. completed phd in mathematics @ university of toronto in 1993 @ age 20.
terence tao (born 1975), youngest medalist in international mathematical olympiad history, @ age 10.
akshay venkatesh (born 1981), won bronze medal @ international physics olympiad @ 11 years of age. won bronze medal @ international mathematical olympiad (imo) @ 12. graduated university @ age 15 double major in mathematics/physics. finished phd @ 20 princeton university. associate professor @ 23.
erik demaine (born 1981), became assistant professor @ mit @ 20 years of age.
gabriel carroll (born 1982), earned highest sat score in state of california, including perfect 800 in math, in seventh grade.
praveen kumar gorakavi (born 1989), recognized young polymath innovations in diverse fields of science , engineering. @ age of 13, developed mathematical formula perpetual calendar calculations, mentions historic dates observed on various types of calendars. @ age of 15 years, designed low-cost artificial leg ability knee , ankle movement. has developed missile technology @ age of 15. praveen youngest recipient of 1 of highest civilian awards of andhra pradesh state, ugadi gaurav puraskar, state government of andhra pradesh. praveen considered youngest recipient of fapcci award outstanding engineer/scientist state of andhra pradesh .
anne-marie imafidon (born 1990), 1 of youngest students graduate university of oxford.
promethea olympia kyrene pythaitha (born march 13, 1991), american child genius iq of 173. started reading @ age 1, began learning college-level calculus @ age 7, , @ age 13 became youngest student complete work bachelor s degree montana state university in mathematics.
kelvin doe (born 1996), taught himself engineering @ age of 13 , built own radio station in sierra leone, plays music , broadcasts news under name dj focus. 1 of finalists in gmin s innovate salone idea competition, in doe built generator scrap metals. doe use discarded pieces of scrap build transmitters, generators, , batteries, well. result of accomplishment, received invitation united states , subsequently became youngest person participate in visiting practitioner s program @ mit.
cameron thompson (born 1997), began studying degree @ age of 11 open university whilst still high school student. @ age 15 cameron completed degree studies @ same time gcse examinations , @ age 16 awarded bachelor of science degree honours. cameron subject of bbc documentary growing pains of teenage genius .
raúl chávez sarmiento (born 1997), second youngest person win bronze, silver, , gold medal @ international math olympiad.
born 2000–present
tristan pang (born 2001), started reading independently , doing high school math @ age of two, sat in on cambridge international examinations igcse maths (year 11 / o level) , earned top grade of a*, scoring 97% @ nine, age eleven top scored a* @ cambridge level exams (year 13), , delivered tedxyouth talk. started university studies @ university of auckland , created free online learning platform, tristan s learning hub, age of twelve.
kautilya pandit (born 2007) displays memory power regarding current affairs, general knowledge , geographical statistics. recollect details of 213 countries , can answer questions world geography, per capita income, gross domestic product, politics, economy, etc. psychologists kurukshetra university have noted grasping powers of kautilya , expressed desire investigate recalling capacity. c.r.darolia, chairman, psychology department said boy wonder kid , may have iq around 130 rare age group.
mental calculators
note: several mathematicians mental calculators when still children. mental calculation not confused mathematics. section child prodigies largely or known calculating skills.
zerah colburn (1804–1839) had major display of ability @ age eight.
ettore majorana (1906–1938) multiply 2 3 digit numbers in head in seconds @ age of 4.
john von neumann (1903–1957) mental calculator age of 6 years, tell jokes in classical greek.
priyanshi somani (born 1998) won 1st place in 2010 mental calculation world cup @ age 11.
jerry newport (born 1948), autistic calculating savant @ age seven, using calculus compute third , higher roots, title holder of versatile calculator , won in 2010. self-discovered number theory in elementary school—perfect numbers, fibonacci, etc.
truman henry safford (1836–1901) square 18 digit numbers @ age of ten years; later in life, became astronomer.
shakuntala devi (1929–2013) indian prodigy mental calculator, known rapid calculation abilities - despite having no formal education.
enrico fermi in 1918, fermi enrolled @ scuola normale superiore in pisa. in order enter institute, candidates had take difficult entrance exam, included essay. given theme specific characteristics of sounds (italian: caratteri distintivi dei suoni). 17-year-old enrico fermi chose derive , solve partial differential equation vibrating rod, applying fourier analysis. examiner, prof. giuseppe pittarelli, interviewed fermi , concluded entry have been commendable doctoral degree. enrico fermi achieved first place in classification of entrance exam.
mikaela fudolig (born 1991), finished college @ age of 16 years degree in physics, summa cum laude , class valedictorian (class of 2007), @ university of philippines. entered university @ age of 11 years. currently, studying physics @ same university master s degree.
christopher hirata (born 1982) youngest american (at 13) win gold medal in international physics olympiad (1996). entered caltech @ age of 14, earned phd in physics princeton @ age 22.
abdus salam (1926–1996) precocious child, salam read , write @ 4 , perform lengthy multiplication , division . @ age of fourteen, salam scored highest marks ever recorded matriculation examination @ punjab university, while wrote mathematical paper on srinivasa ramanujan @ same age.
wolfgang pauli (1900–1958) had understanding of advanced mathematics age of 13 , graduated phd in physics @ age of 21.
tathagat avatar tulsi (born 1987) received undergraduate degree @ age of 10 years, got ph.d. @ 21 & offered position of assistant professor @ iit b @ 22.
taylor wilson (born 1994), nuclear scientist , engineer built bomb @ age 10, , nuclear fusion reactor @ age 14. improved nuclear technology , made low-cost cherenhov particle detector @ age 17, winning intel science fair.
luis balbino arroyo (born 1990) finished college @ age of 16 years degree in physics summa cum laude. entered university @ age of 11 years. obtained master s degree in physics , in economics @ age 18. juris doctor , bar exam @ age 22.
tanishq mathew abraham (born 2003) american child prodigy indian ancestry. joined on-campus, college astronomy class @ age of 7 years, when became top student among college classmates , received grade course. before graduated high school @ age of 10, earned grades in 3 college astronomy courses. @ eight, became founding vice-president of astronomy club @ college. served 2 years vice president of physics & astronomy club , actively involved in research projects, college talks, , club leadership. passion astronomy led him work on on-line astronomy projects, write astronomy articles published on nasa website, , attend astronomy , nasa talks , conferences met , discussed astronomers, astrophysicists, astronauts, , noble prize winners. @ age of 8, co-discovered supernovae, exoplanet candidate, , solar storm watch using nasa data , on-line citizen science program. age of 9, became youngest attend , speak @ nasa conference, received special mention award poster presentation , rapid talk.
lu jiaxi, child genius of han chinese ancestry finished elementary school in 1 year , enrolled in university before reaching age of 13, obtained chemistry degree @ age 18 or 19. served president of chinese academy of sciences.
ainan celeste cawley (born 1999) passed chemistry- o level @ 7 years , 1 month (the youngest in world) , studied chemistry @ tertiary level, @ polytechnic, 8 years , 4 months old.
colin carlson (born 1996), enrolled @ university of connecticut @ age 12, earned bachelor s degree in ecology , evolutionary biology , in environmental studies (2012) , master s degree in same subject (2013) @ university of connecticut, @ age 15 , 16 respectively. plans earn ph.d. in ecology , evolutionary biology , degree in environmental law career in conservation science. intends earn 2 degrees age 22. carlson ph.d. student in dept. of environmental science, policy , management @ university of california, berkeley.
evan ehrenberg – born in 1993, @ age 16 started ph.d. program @ massachusetts institute of technology in brain , cognitive sciences department studying computational neuroscience. graduated university of california, berkeley b.a. degree in cognitive science emphasis in computational modeling, highest honors, @ age 16. won robert j. glushko prize distinguished undergraduate research in cognitive science @ age 16 research on layered sparse associative network soft pattern classification , contextual pattern completion.
gabriel see, born in 1998, achieved 720 out of 800 score on sat math test @ age 8, performed t-cell receptor research @ fred hutchinson cancer research center @ age 10, , @ age 11 won silver medal @ international genetically engineered machine (igem) competition on synthetic biology undergraduate college students @ massachusetts institute of technology. in 2011 named 1 of s top 10 high school inventors popular science magazine. has been taking upper division courses each semester @ university of washington since 2010.
jean piaget (1896–1980) published paper on albino sparrow @ age of 11 years, , later became psychologist.
computer science
arfa karim (1995–2012), pakistani girl, became 1 of youngest microsoft certified professional (mcp) in 2004, @ age of 9.
ruby nealon (born 1999) enrolled @ open university @ age of 11, , @ 14 left high school , started bachelor s degree.
stephan wolski (born 1998) completed high school , enrolled @ college of southern maryland @ age of 13 , @ age of 15 graduated a.s. degrees in applied science , technology, plans earn bachelor s degree in computer science @ university of maryland.
joshua travis mann (born 1982) invented own object-oriented computer language @ age of 8, completed education @ age of 15, , became technology consultant several fortune 500 companies , department of defense before turning 18.
erik demaine (born 1981), completed bachelor s degree when 14 , completed phd @ university of waterloo when 20 years old in field of computer science.
mahmoud wael (born 1999), egyptian boy, @ 14 years old became 1 of youngest people qualified teach university-level graduates in programming language c++ after completing cisco certified network associate, cisco certified network professional , cisco certified internetwork expert certificates in american university in cairo. sponsored microsoft complete series of certificates in computer programming. @ age of 4 mahmoud multiply 3 digit 3 digit numbers in few seconds, scored 155 on iq test took @ 6 years old. multiple universities in egypt , abroad have contacted him scholarship offers since 7.
philip gale (1978-1998), went mit @ 15, , wrote total access during freshman year. afterwards, had 3 sabbatical semesters , went work @ earthlink. committed suicide @ 19 jumping out of green building (mit) in mit.
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