History Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas

1 history

1.1 medieval origin: 1222 santa sabina studium conventuale
1.2 1265 studium provinciale
1.3 1288 studium particularis theologiae, 1291 studium nove logice, 1305 studium naturarum
1.4 1426 studium generale
1.5 modern history: 1577 collegium divi thomae
1.6 1906 pontificium collegium divi thomae de urbe
1.7 1963 pontificia studiorum universitas sancto thoma aquinate in urbe
1.8 angelicum today


the angelicum has roots in dominican mission study , teach truth, reflected in order s motto, veritas . distinctively pedagogical character of dominican apostolate intended saint dominic de guzman in 1214 @ birth of order, first order instituted church academic mission, succinctly expressed of order s mottos, contemplare et contemplata aliis tradere, (to contemplate , bear fruits of contemplation others). pope honorius iii approved order of preachers in december 1216 , january 1217. on 21 january 1217 papal bull gratiarum omnium confirmed order s pedagogical mission granting members right preach universally, power formerly dependent on local episcopal authorization.

medieval origin: 1222 santa sabina studium conventuale

dominican order shield

saint dominic established priories focused on study , preaching became order s first studia generalia, @ parisian convent of st. jacques in 1217, @ bologna in 1218, @ palencia , montpellier in 1220, , @ oxford before death in 1221. 1219 pope honorius iii had invited dominic , companions take residence @ ancient roman basilica of santa sabina, did 1220. in may 1220 @ bologna order s first general chapter mandated each convent of order maintain studium. official foundation of dominican studium conventuale @ rome, grow angelicum, occurred legal transfer of santa sabina complex pope honorius iii order of preachers on june 5, 1222.

st. hyacinth of poland , companions bl. ceslaus, herman of germany, , henry of moravia among first study @ studium of santa sabina sacred studies flourished .

from beginning santa sabina studium played special role of providing papal theologians among members. office of master of sacred palace has been entrusted friar of order of preachers since institution saint dominic pope honorius iii in 1218. in 1246 pope innocent iv appointed annibaldo degli annibaldi (c. 1220 – 1272) third master of sacred palace after saint dominic , bartolomeo di breganze. annibaldi had completed initial studies @ santa sabina studium conventuale , later sent studium generale @ paris. aquinas dedicated annibaldi catena aurea, written decade later during regency @ santa sabina studium.

1265 studium provinciale

angelicum patron, doctor angelicus, saint thomas aquinas, gentile da fabriano c. 1400

at general chapter of valenciennes in 1259 thomas aquinas masters bonushomo britto, florentius, albert, , peter took part in establishing program of studies novices , lectors including 2 years of philosophy, 2 years of fundamental theology, church history , canon law, , 4 years of theology. showed capacity sent on studium generale complete course becoming lector, magister studentium, baccalaureus, , magister theologiae.

the new formation program outlined @ valenciennes featured study of philosophy innovation. in days there no need study philosophy or arts in order; young men entered trained in humanities @ university. st. albert received arts training @ padua, st. thomas @ naples; prepared study theology. 1259, however, became evident youths entering order not sufficiently trained; new ratio studiorum of 1259 established studia philosophiae in provinces corresponding university faculty of arts.

in february 1265 newly elected pope clement iv summoned aquinas rome papal theologian. same year in accord injunction of chapter of roman province @ anagni, aquinas assigned regent master @ studium @ santa sabina:

we assign friar thomas of aquino rome, remission of sins, there take on direction of studies.

with assignment studium @ santa sabina, had been founded in 1222, transformed order s first studium provinciale courses under aquinas direction beginning september 8, 1265 , featuring studia philosophiae prescribed aquinas , others @ 1259 chapter of valenciennes.

this studium intermediate school between studium conventuale , studium generale. prior time roman province had offered no specialized education of sort, no arts, no philosophy; simple convent schools, basic courses in theology resident friars, functioning in tuscany , meridionale during first several decades of order s life. new studium @ santa sabina school province, studium provinciale. tolomeo da lucca, associate , biographer of aquinas, tells @ santa sabina aquinas taught full range of philosophical subjects, teaching in new , special way whole of philosophy, both moral , natural, ethical , mathematical, in writing , commentary.

while regent master @ santa sabina studium provinciale aquinas began compose monumental work, summa theologiae, conceived of work suited beginning students:

because doctor of catholic truth ought not teach proficient, him pertains instruct beginners. apostle says in 1 corinthians 3: 1-2, infants in christ, gave milk drink, not meat, our proposed intention in work convey things pertain christian religion, in way fitting instruction of beginners.

at santa sabina thomas composed entire prima pars circulating in italy before departing second regency @ paris (1269–1272).

other works composed aquinas during period @ santa sabina include catena aurea in marcum, de rationibus fidei, catena aurea in lucam, quaestiones disputate de potentia dei, report disputations aquinas held @ santa sabina, quaestiones disputate de anima, held during academic year 1265-66, expositio et lectura super epistolas pauli apostoli, compendium theologiae, responsio de 108 articulis, part of quaestiones disputatae de malo, catena aurea in ioannem, de regno ad regem cypri, quaestiones disputatae de spiritualibus creaturis, , @ least first book of sententia libri de anima, commentary on aristotle s de anima contemporaneously being translated greek aquinas dominican associate @ viterbo william of moerbeke in 1267.

latino malabranca orsini tommaso da modena, 1352

the so-called lectura romana or alia lectura fratris thome , reportatio of second commentary on sentences of peter lombard dictated aquinas @ santa sabina studium provinciale, may have been taken down jacob of ranuccio while student of aquinas there 1265 1268. jacob later lector @ santa sabina , served in roman curia being made bishop in 1286, year of death.

nicholas brunacci (1240–1322) among aquinas students @ santa sabina studium provinciale , later @ paris. in november 1268 accompanied aquinas , associate , secretary reginald of piperno viterbo paris begin academic year. albert great, brunacci s teacher @ cologne after 1272, called him second thomas aquinas. brunacci became lector @ santa sabina studium , later served in papal curia. correspondent letter dante alighieri during latter s exile florence.

1288 studium particularis theologiae, 1291 studium nove logice, 1305 studium naturarum

hugh aycelin tommaso da modena, 1352. aycelin served lector @ santa sabina before 1288 when made cardinal.

after departure of aquinas paris in 1268 other lectors @ santa sabina studium include hugh aycelin.. of pedagogical activities of santa sabina studium transferred new convent of order more centrally located @ church of santa maria sopra minerva. convent had modest beginning in 1255 community women converts, grew rapidly in size , importance during transfer dominicans 1265 1275. in 1288 theology component of provincial curriculum relocated santa sabina studium provinciale studium conventuale @ santa maria sopra minerva redesignated studium particularis theologiae. during period lectors @ santa maria sopra minerva studium included niccolò da prato, bartolomeo da san concordio, , matteo orsini.

following curriculum of studies laid out in capitular acts of 1291 santa sabina studium redesignated 1 of 3 studia nove logice intended offer courses of advanced logic covering logica nova, aristotelian texts recovered in west in second half of 12th century, topics, sophistical refutations, , first , second analytics of aristotle. advance on logica antiqua, treated isagoge of porphyry, divisions , topics of boethius, categories , on interpretation of aristotle, , summule logicales of peter of spain. in 1305 minerva studium became 1 of 4 studia naturarum established in roman province. iacopo passavanti, famed preacher , author of specchio di vera penitenza, lector @ studium @ santa maria sopra minerva after finishing studies in paris c. 1333.

1426 studium generale

nolli map, 1748, detail showing: (837) pantheon, (842) piazza della minerva, , insula sapientiae (island of wisdom) aka insula dominicana including (844) church , convent of santa maria sopra minerva , former college of st. thomas, including (843) palazzo della minerva c. 1560 (now bibliotecca del senato of italian government), guidetti cloister c. 1565 (nearest church), cisterna cloister,sala del refettorio, sale dell inquisizione, , sala delle capriate (former library of college of st. thomas) on second floor between cloisters.

the general chapter of 1304 mandated each of order s provinces establish studium generale meet demand of order s rapidly growing membership. studium @ santa maria sopra minerva raised level of studium generale roman province of order year 1426 , continued in roll until 1539. again affirmed studium generale in 1694 (see below).

on march 7, 1457, feast of st. thomas, humanist lorenzo valla delivered annual encomium in honor of angelic doctor. dominicans of minerva studium generale pressed valla not praise aquinas voice humanist criticism of scholastic thomism.

sisto fabri served professor of theology @ santa maria sopra minerva studium in mid 1550s. in 1585 fabri, master of order of preachers 1583-1598 undertake reformation of program of studies order , studium had been transformed college of st. thomas in 1577. fabri s reform included nine-year formation program consisting of 2 years of logic using summulae logicales of peter of spain alongside aristotle s logic, 3 years of philosophy including study of aristotle s de anima, physica, , metaphysica, , 4 years of theology using third part of aquinas summa speculative theology, , second part moral theology. fabri established professorship study of hebrew @ college.

in 1570 first edition of aquinas opera omnia, so-called editio piana pius v dominican pope commissioned it, produced there.

modern history: 1577 collegium divi thomae

the late sixteenth century saw studium @ santa maria sopra minerva undergo further transformation during pontificate of pope gregory xiii. aquinas, had been canonized in 1323 pope john xxii, proclaimed fifth latin doctor of church pius v in 1567. honor great doctor, in 1577 juan solano, former bishop of cusco, peru, generously funded reorganization of studium @ convent of minerva on model of college of st. gregory @ valladolid in native spain. features of spanish model included fixed number of dominican students admitted on basis of intellectual merit, dedicated exclusively study in virtue of numerous dispensations other duties, , governed elected rector.

the result of solano s initiative, underwent further structural change shortly before solano s death in 1580, collegium divi thomae or college of st. thomas. @ minerva college occupied several existing convent structures new constructions. detail nolli map of 1748 gives idea of disposition of buildings when minerva convent housed college.

the college cultivated doctrines of st. thomas aquinas means of carrying out church s mission in new world, solano had shown zeal in defending rights of indians , , dominicans bartolomé de las casas, protector of indians , pedro de cordova, critic of encomienda system, , francisco de vitoria, theorist of international law, engaged.

at beginning of seventeenth century several regents of college of st. thomas involved in controversies on nature of divine grace. diego alvarez (1550 c.-1635), author of de auxiliis divinae gratiae et humani arbitrii viribus , famous apologist thomistic doctrines of grace , predestination, professor of theology @ college 1596 1606. tomas de lemos (ribadavia 1540 - rome 1629). professor of theology @ college in 1610. in molinist controversy between dominicans , jesuits papal commission or congregatio de auxiliis summoned lemos , diego alvarez represent dominican order in debates before pope clement viii , pope paul v. lemos editor of acta omnium congregationum ac disputationum, etc. , author of discussed panoplia gratiae (1676). in 1608 juan gonzalez de albelda, author of commentariorum & disputationum in primam partem summa s. thome de aquino (1621) regent of studies @ college. in 1620s juan gonzales de leon regent concerning dispute on nature of divine grace took alternative doctrine within thomist school, of juan gonzalez d albeda regent @ college in 1608, sufficient grace not prepares perfect act [of contrition], gives impulse towards act. yet due man s defectability impulse resisted.

the college maintained dominican tradition of textual , linguistic activities part of order s missionary dimension. moerbeke s translations of aristotle in 1260s , editio piana of 1570 (see above), editorial , translation projects undertaken college s professors, notable of leonine edition of aquinas works (see below). vincenzo candido (1573-1654) presided on translation of bible arabic. candido had entered order @ convent of santa maria sopra minerva completing there novitiate , studies , becoming doctor of theology, , later rector of college in 1630. candido part of commission concemned jansenism. own disquisitionibus moralibus (1643) later accused of laxims. giuseppe ciante (d. 1670), leading hebrew expert of day , author of works such de sanctissima trinitate ex antiquorum hebraeorum testimonijs euidenter comprobata (1667) , de sanctissima incarnatione clarissimis hebraeorum doctrinis...defensa (1667), completed studies @ college professor of theology , philosophy there before 1640. in 1640 ciantes appointed pope urban viii mission of preaching jews of rome (predicatore degli ebrei) in order promote conversion. in mid-1650s ciantes wrote monumental bilingual edition of first 3 parts of thomas aquinas summa contra gentiles, includes original latin text , hebrew translation prepared ciantes, assisted jewish apostates, summa divi thomae aquinatis ordinis praedicatorum contra gentiles quam hebraicè eloquitur…. until present remains significant translation of major latin scholastic work in modern hebrew.

tommaso caccini (1574–1648), 1 of principal critics of galileo galilei, baccalaureaus @ college in 1615.

several figures associated college during period involved in defense of doctrine of papal infallibility. dominic gravina, celebrated theologian of day in italy, professor of theology @ college in 1610. gravina made master of sacred theology general chapter of order @ rome in 1608. wrote vox turturis seu de florenti usque ad nostra tempora ... sacrarum religionum statu (1625) in polemic robert bellarmine de gemitu columbae (1620) criticized decadence of religious orders. gravina, wrote concerning papal infallibility: pontiff, 1 (person) , alone, given head; , again, roman pontiff time beingis one, therefore alone has infallibility.

in 1630 abraham bzovius funded scholarship polish students @ college.

vicente ferre (+1682), author of commentaria scholastica in div. thomam (1691) of several commentaries on summa theologica regent of college 1654 1672. ferre recognized contemporaries 1 of leading thomists of day. in de fide ferre writes in defense of papal infallibility christ said have prayed thee, peter; sufficiently showing infallibility not promised church apart (seorsum) head, promised head, him should derived church.

in late seventeenth century figures such gregorio selleri taught @ college instrumental in fostering condemnation of jansenism

at general chapter of rome in 1694 antonin cloche, master general of dominican order, reaffirmed college of st. thomas studium generale of roman province of order.

we institute studium generale of province...the roman college of st. thomas @ our convent of santa maria sopra minerva

at time college became international centre of thomistic specialization open members of various provinces of dominican order , other ecclesiastical students, local , foreign.

in 1698, cardinal girolamo casanata, librarian of holy roman church, established biblioteca casanatense @ convent of santa maria sopra minerva. library independent of college of st. thomas, sponsoring own librarians. casanate endowed 4 chairs of learning @ college foster study of greek, hebrew , dogmatic theology.

with papal bull pretiosus dated may 26, 1727 domenican pope benedict xiii granted dominicans major houses of study right of conferring academic degrees in theology students outside order.

in 1748 general chapter or order @ bologna stated thomistic philosophical , theological tradition needed revived. in 1757 master general juan tomás de boxadors composed letter members of order lamenting deviations thomistic doctrine, , demanded return teachings of aquinas. letter published in general chapter acts in rome 1777. responding boxadors , prevailing philosophical rationalism of enlightenment, salvatore roselli, professor of theology @ roman college of st. thomas, published 6 volume summa philosophica (1777) giving aristotelian interpretation of aquinas validating senses source of knowledge. while teaching @ college roselli considered have laid foundation neothomism in nineteenth century. according historian j.a. weisheipl in late 18th , 19th centuries had revival of thomism in italy, spain , france directly influenced roselli s monumental work.

after church s loss of temporal power in 1870 italian government declared college s vast library national property leavning dominicans in charge until 1884.

vincenzo nardini (d. 1913) completed theological , philosophical studies @ college , became lector there in 1855 teaching mathematics, experimental physics, chemistry , astronomy. nardini reorganized institute of science founded @ college in 1840 albert gugliemotti. believed doctrines of aquinas means reconcile science , faith. nardini founding member of accademia romana di san tommaso in 1879. between 1901 , 1902 founded astronomical observatory on via di pie di marmo in rome. in 1904 provincial of order s roman province proposed college transformed international university. accomplished in 1908 successors.

g. b. embriaco s hydrochronometer in villa borghese gardens, patterned after original of 1867 in courtyard of college of saint thomas

gian battista embriaco (ceriana 1829 – rome 1903) taught @ college. embriaco inventor in 1867 of hydrochronometer, examples of built in rome, first in college s courtyard @ minerva, , later on pincian hill , in villa borghese gardens. embriaco had presented 2 prototypes of invention @ paris universal exposition in 1867 winning prizes , acclaim.

the suppression of religious orders hampered mission of college. during french occupation of rome 1797 1814 college in declined , briefly closed doors 1810 1815. order gained control of convent once again in 1815.

by late eighteenth century professors of college had begun follow wolffianism , eclecticism of austrian jesuit, sigismund von storchenau , jaime balmes aim of engaging modern thought. in response trend general chapter of 1838 again ordered revival of thomism , use of summa theologica @ college of st. thomas.

at minerva master of order issued directive re-establish plan of study had been in force before french revolution following manual of salvatore roselli (1777–83) , prescribing 5-year study of summa theologica degree candidates. minerva studium generale refurbished, , new era of thomism initiated led luminaries such tommaso maria zigliara.

after capture of rome, final act of risorgimento, dominicans expropriated italian government in virtue of law 1402 of 19 june 1873 , collegium divi thomae de urbe forced leave minerva. college continued work @ various locations in rome. rector zigliara, taught @ college 1870 1879, professors , students took refuge fathers of holy ghost @ french college in rome, lectures continued. in 1899 college functioning in palazzo sinibaldi, adjacent french college , near convent of minerva.

tommaso maria zigliara

zigliara member of 7 roman congregations, including congregation of studies , founding member of accademia romana di san tommaso in 1879. zigliara s fame scholar @ forefront of neo-thomist revival widespread in rome , abroad. french, italian, german, english, , american bishops eager put of promising students , young professors under tuition.

the mid-19th-century revival of thomism, called neo-scholasticism or neo-thomism, had origins in italy. direct initiator of neo-scholastic movement in italy gaetano sanseverino, (1811–1865), canon @ naples. other prominent figures include zigliara, josef kleutgen, , giovanni cornoldi. revival emphasizes interpretative tradition of aquinas great commentators such capréolus, cajetan, , john of st. thomas. focus, however, less exegetical , more concerned carrying out program of deploying rigorously worked out system of thomistic metaphysics in wholesale critique of modern philosophy. zigliara instrumental in recovering authentic tradition of thomism influence of tradition of jesuits colored interpretation of own great master francisco suárez (d. 1617), had attempted reconcile aristotelianism of thomas platonism of scotus

in response disarray of religious educational institutions pope leo xiii in encyclical aeterni patris of 4 august 1879 called renewal of christian philosophy , particularly doctrines of aquinas:

we exhort you, venerable brethren, in earnestness restore golden wisdom of st. thomas, , spread far , wide defense , beauty of catholic faith, of society, , advantage of sciences.

pope leo xiii s encyclical aeterni patris of 1879 great impetus revival of neo scholastic thomism. on october 15, 1879 leo created pontifical academy of st. thomas aquinas , ordered publication of critical edition of complete works of doctor angelicus. superintendence of leonine edition entrusted zigliara. leo founded angelicum s faculty of philosophy in 1882 , faculty of canon law in 1896. college began once again gain status , influence. under pope leo xiii zigliara contributed encyclicals aeterni patris , rerum novarum.

1906 pontificium collegium divi thomae de urbe

hyacinthe-marie cormier, seated in middle. right sits pio alberto del corona, bishop of san miniato.

in response call renewal of thomism sounded aeterni patris rectors tommaso maria zigliara (1833–1893), alberto lepidi (1838–1922), , sadoc szabó had brought college high degree of excellence. under leadership of szabó number of subjects taught @ angelicum included archeology, geology, paleography, christian art, biology, mathematics, physics, , astronomy.

at dawn of twentieth century dominican conception of intellectual formation @ rome again transformed. general chapters of 1895 (avila) , 1901 (ghent) had called expansion of college of st. thomas meet growing educational needs in modern world. chapter of 1904 (viterbo) directed hyacinthe-marie cormier (1832–1916), newly elected master general of order of preachers, develop college studium generalissimum directly under authority entire dominican order:

romae erigatur collegium studiorum ordinis generalissimum, auctoritate magistri generalis immediate subjectum, in quo floreat vita regularis, et ad quod mittantur fratres ex omnibus provinciis.

building on legacy of order s first roman studium @ priory of santa sabina founded in 1222 , studium general had sprung 1426 @ santa maria sopra minerva , in 1577 became college of saint thomas, cormier stated intention establish new studium generalissimum principal vehicle of dissemination of orthodox thomistic thought both dominicans , secular clergy.

in 1904 pope pius x allowed diocesan seminarians attend college. elevated college status of pontificium on may 2, 1906, making degrees equivalent of world s other pontifical universities. apostolic letter of november 8, 1908, signed on november 17, pope transformed college collegium pontificium internationale angelicum, located on via san vitale 15. cormier developed angelicum until death in 1916, establishing principal guidelines, giving motto master general, caritas veritatis, charity of truth. cormier, noted spiritual quality of retreats , powerful preaching, declared blessed pope john paul ii on november 20, 1994.

in first half of twentieth century angelicum professors edouard hugon, réginald garrigou-lagrange , others carried on leo s call thomist revival. core philosophical commitments of revival, after zigliara traditionally of angelicum, later summarized in “twenty-four thomistic theses” approved pope pius x. due rejection of attempts synthesize thomism non-thomistic categories , assumptions neo-scholastic thomism has been called “strict observance thomism.”

in 1909 there 26 professors. beyond philosophy , theology subject included archeology, geology, paleography, christian art, biology, mathematics, physics, , astronomy. in 1918 garrigou-lagrange initiated courses in sacred art, mysticism, , aesthetics. marie alain couturier studied garrigou @ angelicum 1930 1932 before going on have instrumental role in liturgical art ventures such henri matisse s vence chapel , le corbusier s chapel of notre dame du haut, , dominican priory of sainte marie de la tourette.

garrigou-lagrange has been called torchbearer of orthodox thomism against modernism in period between world war ii , cold war. commonly held have influenced decision in 1942 place privately circulated book une école de théologie: le saulchoir (Étiolles 1937) marie-dominique chenu on vatican s index of forbidden books culmination of polemic within dominican order between angelicum supporters of speculative scholasticism , french revival thomists more attentive historical hermeneutics, such yves congar. congar s chrétiens désunis suspected of modernism because methodology derived more religious experience syllogistic analysis.

noted philosopher , theologian santiago maria ramirez y ruiz de dulanto (1891-1967) completed licentiate , doctorate in philosophy @ angelicum 1913 1917 dissertation entitled de quidditate incarnationis, becoming lector on 27 june 1917 , teaching there 1917 1920. ramirez relates fortunate during student years hear pope pius x deliver talk professors , students @ angelicum on 28 june 1914 in pontiff extolled aquinas doctrines above of others, , talk delivered pope pius xi @ angelicum on 12 december 1924 in reaffirmed doctrinal authority of st. thomas aquinas.

june 29, 1923 on occasion of sixth centenary of canonization of thomas aquinas pius xi s encyclical studiorum ducem singled out pontifical angelicum college official sedes thomae:

it fitting...that institutes sacred studies cultivated express holy joy, before pontifical angelicum college thomas said dwell in own house, , other ecclesiastial schools in rome.

the reputation of college during period summed 1 of angelicum s illustrious alumni , faculty members in mid-twentieth century, cornelio fabro, called angelicum avant-garde of doctrinal mission of dominican order in rome, , of traditional thomism distinguished exponents included t. zigliara, a. lepidi, t. pègues, e. hugon, a. zacchi, r. garrigou-lagrange, , m. cordovani. notoriety of college further fostered annual celebrations of feast of patron st. thomas aquinas including preaching tridiuum , pontifical mass , academic symposium @ angelicum june 8, 1923 szabó founded unio thomistica, association of angelicum students , alumni dedicated defense of thomistic doctrine. publication entitled unio thomistica continue under title angelicum, trimesterly journal articles in italian, french, english, german, , spanish treating theology, philosophy, canon law, , social sciences.

an 18th-century view of church of saints dominic , sixtus @ center left, , former dominican convent houses angelicum @ center right

the year 1926 saw angelicum become institute change of name pontificium institutum internationale angelicum. during academic year 1927-28 angelicum professor mariano cordovani began philosophy circle continued 1960s forum laity explore contemporary philosophical issues.

in 1927 italian government decided sell former convent of santi domenico e sisto. convent, had been established pope pius v dominican nuns in 1575, expropriated italian government on september 9, 1871 in virtue of law of suppression of religious orders. blessed buenaventura garcía de paredes, master general of order, seeing opportunity recuperate dominican patrimony, suggested benito mussolini selling convent order return property original owners, , used house angelicum

by decree of 2 june 1928 italian minister of justice authorized college of st. thomas purchase italian state agreed price of 9 million lire (l. 9,000,000) complex of buildings constituting former convent of saints dominic , sixtus in way paredes activated cormier s plan angelicum established @ site amplitude more fitting new status.

in 1930 Étienne gilson , jacques maritain first 2 philosophers receive honorary doctorates angelicum.

for academic year 1928-1929 paredes celebrated inaugural mass in church of saints dominic , sixtus , reginald garrigou-lagrange gave solemn inaugural lecture. because convent buildings required extensive renovation classes not held there until 1932.

from 1928 1932 convent renovated house classrooms, aula magna , aula minor, amphitheaters seating capacities of 1,100 , 350 respectively. in november 1932 angelicum opened doors @ appropriately more extensive complex of buildings comprising ancient dominican convent of saints dominic , sixtus.

cardinal eugenio pacelli future pope pius xii gave lecture @ college entitled la presse et l apostolat on april 17, 1936.

the angelicum changed names once again in 1942 becoming pontificium athenaeum internationale angelicum.

in 1951 institute of social sciences founded within faculty of philosophy raimondo spiazzi (1918–2002). spiazzi, prolific author , editor of works of aquinas, completed doctorate in sacred theology @ angelicum in 1947 dissertation entitled il cristianesimo perfezione dell uomo. spiazzi directed institute of social sciences until 1957 , continued teaching there until 1972. institute established faculty faculty of social sciences (fass) in 1974. mieczysław albert krąpiec, leading exponent of lublin school of philosophy in poland, received doctorate in theology angelicum in 1948.

in 1950 angelicum s institute of spirituality founded paul-pierre philippe within faculty of theology promote scientific , systematic study of ascetical , mystical theology, , offer preparation spiritual directors. institute approved congregation catholic education on 1 may 1958. today institute presided on paul murray, lecturer in spiritual theology @ angelicum. murry awarded magister sacrae theologiae master general of order on september 20, 2011.

during tenure of michael browne master of order of preachers , chancellor of angelicum, pope pius xii addressed academic community of angelicum in radio message on 14 january 1957. pontiff encouraged angelicum s diligent pursuit of thomistic doctrine , imparted apostolic blessing on future projects.

benedict augustine blank, former provincial of western province of dominican order rector of angelicum 1952 1955.

1963 pontificia studiorum universitas sancto thoma aquinate in urbe

enrollment climbed 120 in 1909 on 1,000 during 1960s. during tenure of aniceto fernández master of order of preachers (1962–1974) , rectorate of raymond sigmond (1961–1964) pope john xxiii visited angelicum on march 7, 1963, feast of university s patron saint thomas aquinas , motu proprio dominicanus ordo, raised angelicum rank of pontifical university. thereafter known pontifical university of saint thomas aquinas in city (latin: pontificia studiorum universitas sancto thoma aquinate in urbe).

on november 29, 1963, egyptian scholar , peritus @ vatican ii christian–islamic relations georges anawati delivered lecture entitled @ angelicum l islam l heure du concile: prolegomenes un dialogue islamo-chretien.

on 19th of april, 1974 pope paul vi delivered allocution in angelicum s aula magna part of international congress of international society of st. thomas aquinas celebrated on occasion of 7th centenary of death of doctor angelicus. pontif described aquinas teacher of art of thinking , expounded doctrine proposing aquinas unsurpassed master.

on 17 november 1979, 1 year papacy, pope john paul ii visited alma mater deliver address marking first centenary of encyclical aeterni patris. pontiff reaffirmed centrality of aquinas thought church , unique role of angelicum, aquinas in own home (tamquam in domo sua), in carrying on thomist philosophical , theological tradition.

on 24 november 1994, 4 days after beatifying hyacinthe-marie cormier, pope john paul ii visited angelicum , gave address faculty , students on occasion of dedication of university s aula magna in honor.

the angelicum today

today faculty , students of angelicum strive modern disciples of thomas aquinas , accepting radical changes of modern world without compromise ideals of patron thomas aquinas. angelicum alumnus , famed historian , philosopher james a. weisheipl notes since time of aquinas thomism alive in dominican order, small after ravages of reformation, french revolution, , napoleonic occupation. while outside order thomism has had varying fortunes, angelicum has played central role throughout history in preserving thomism since time of aquinas own activity @ santa sabina studium provinciale. today sedes thomae continues provide students , scholars opportunity immerse in authentic dominican thomistic philosophical , theological tradition.

as of august 2014 student body comprised approximately 1010 students coming 95 countries. 1 half of angelicum s students enrolled in faculty of theology.

as of august 2014 student body consisted of approximately 29% women, 71% men. of these, approximately 24% lay, 27% diocesan clerical, , 49% members of religious orders. moreover, 30% of student body hailed north america, 25% europe, 21% asia, 12% africa, 11% latin america, , 1% oceania.

some comparatively recent notable figures associated angelicum include cornelio fabro, jordan aumann, cardinal christoph schönborn, aidan nichols, wojciech giertych, theologian of pontifical household under pope benedict xvi , pope francis, , bishop charles morerod, past rector magnificus of angelicum , former secretary of international theological commission, alejandro crosthwaite, op, dean of angelicum faculty of social sciences, , consultant pontifical council justice , peace, , robert christian, vice-dean of faculty of theology, professor of sacramental theology , ecclesiology, , consultant pontifical council promoting christian unity. dr. donna orsuto, professor of spirituality, rector of lay centre @ foyer unitas , created dame of order of st. gregory great pope benedict.

recent lectures , events of note related university s mission include:

2014, 7 may, symposium in honor of dominican friar giuseppe girotti, martyr @ dachau concentration camp in 1945, beatified @ alba, piedmont on 26 april 2014.
2013, 16 april, romano prodi, former president of european commission , former prime minister of italy gave lectio magistralis @ angelicum entitled “i grandi cambiamenti della politica e dell economia mondiale: c è un posto per l europa?” ( great changes in politics , world economy: there room europe?). prodi sponsored angelicum , università degli studi guglielmo marconi promotion degree offered in political science, scienze politiche e del buon governo. few days after lecture prodi selected pd parliamentarians candidate president of italy during 2013 presidential election.
2008, 12 december, cherie blair gave lecture religion force in protecting women s human rights lecture alternatively entitled church , women s rights: time fresh perspective?

^ p. mandonnet, order of preachers , catholic encyclopedia, 1913; accessed 31 december 2012
^ motto paraphrase of thomas aquinas teaching on perfection of dominican charism, summa theologiae, iii, 40, 1 ad 2: vita contemplativa simpliciter est melior quam activa quae occupatur circa corporales actus, sed vita activa secundum quam aliquis praedicando et docendo contemplata aliis tradit, est perfectior quam vita quae solum contemplatur, quia talis vita praesupponit abundantiam contemplationis. et ideo christus talem vitam elegit. summa theologica, ii, ii, 188, 6.
^ see papal bulls religiosam vitam , nos attendentes
^ omnia disce: medieval studies in memory of leonard boyle, o.p.. a. duggan, j. greatrex, b. bolton, l. e. boyle, 2005, p. 202.
^ j.-p. renard, la formation et la désignation des prédicateurs au debut de l ordre des prêcheurs, freiburg, 1977.
^ accessed june 2, 2012 archived december 29, 2010, @ wayback machine.
^ w. hinnebusch, dominicans: short history, 1975, ch. 1: requiring each priory have professor laid foundation order s schools. archived copy . archived original on 2012-06-18. retrieved 2012-09-03.  accessed 9 june 2011; encyclopaedia of religion , ethics, vol. 10, 701. in each convent there studium particulare. accessed 9 june 2011
^ bullarium ordinis ff. praedicatorum, tomus primus, ab anno 1215 ad 1280, 15; https://books.google.com/books?id=ftcntiuqc9oc&pg=pa15#v=onepage&q&f=false accessed 13 march 2013: anno 1222, die 5 junii, honorius episcopus, servus servorum dei, dilectis filiis magistro, & fratribus ordinis predicatorum, salutem. & apostlicam benedictionem. quia omnibus ex officio nostro, licet immeriti, presumus, merito vobis, qui vestro ministerio proficere cupitis universis, commoda, cum convenit, ministramus; ut sic ministri christi & dispensatores mysteriorum dei per nostrum ministerium honorentur. cum igitur certum hospitium non haberetis in urbe, ubi eo forsan plus prodesse potestis, quo ibi tam indigene, quam extranei congregantur: nos tam vobis, quam multorum utilitati consulere cupientes, ecclesiam s. sabine, ad celebrandum, & domos, ad inhabitandum, sicut seculares clerici haburerunt, de consensu fratrum nostrorum, & specialiter dilecti filii nostri tituli eiusdem ecclesie presbyteri cardinalis, vobis duximus concedendam, domo ubi est baptisterium cum horto proximo & reclusorio pro duobus clericis reservato, qui de parochia, & possessionibus ipsius ecclesie, prout expediet, curam gerent, iure cardinalis in omnibus integre conservato. nulli ergo &c. datum rome nonis junii, pontificatus nostri anno sexto. ; p. mandonnet, st. dominic , work, 1948, ch. iii, note 50: if installation @ santa sabina not date 1220, @ least 1221. official grant made in june, 1222 (bullarium o.p., i, 15). terms of bull show there had been concession earlier. before concession pope said friars had no hospitium in rome. @ time st. sixtus no longer theirs; conrad of metz not have alluded st. sixtus, therefore, when said in 1221: pope has conferred on them house in rome (laurent no. 136). possible pope waiting completion of building having done @ santa sabina, before giving title property, on june 5, 1222, new master of order, elected not many days before. http://domcentral.org/blog/years-of-experimental-activity-1215-19/ |accessed=13 august 2013
^ compendium historiae ordinis praedicatorum, a.m. walz, 1930, 214: conventus s. sabinae de urbe prae ceteris gloriam singularem ex praesentia fundatoris ordinis et primitivorum fratrum necnon ex residentia romana magistrorum generalium, si de ea sermo esse potest, habet. in documentis quidem eius nonnisi anno 1222 nomen fit, ait certe iam antea nostris concreditus est. florebant ibi etiam studia sacra. accessed 9 april 2011; http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07591b.htm accessed 17 february 2013. after receiving religious habit st. dominic in 1220 , abbreviated novitiate became missionaries , spread order in homelands.
^ pio tomasso masetti, monumenta et antiquitates veteris disciplinae ordinis praedicatorum ab anno 1216 ad 1348, 1864, https://books.google.com/books?id=bm6wwpzorcac&pg=pa315 accessed 17 february 2013; fonti anche antiche affermano che l a., entrato ancor giovane tra domenicani nel convento romano di s. sabina, dopo primi studi - verosimilmente già sacerdote - fu inviato per gradi accademici parigi e qui la sua presenza è accertata solo dopo il 1255. http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/annibaldo-annibaldi_(dizionario-biografico)/ accessed 22 june 2011
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^ fr. thome de aquino iniungimus in remissionem peccatorum quod teneat studium rome. acta capitulorum provincialium, provinciae romanae ordinis praedicatorum, anagni, 1265, n. 12, in corpus thomisticum, http://www.corpusthomisticum.org/a65.html accessed 8 april 2011; english trans. in saint thomas aquinas of order of preachers (1225-1274), biographical study of angelic doctor, p. conway, 63, https://archive.org/stream/saintthomasaquin00conwrich/saintthomasaquin00conwrich_djvu.txt accessed 20 march 2013
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^ m. m. mulchahey, first bow bent in study : dominican education before 1350, 1998, p. 278-279. accessed 30 june 2011
^ ptolomaei lucensis, historia ecclesiastica xxii, c. 24 https://books.google.com/books?id=dr_3-05kre8c&pg=pt499#v=onepage&q&f=false accessed 20 february 2013: quasi totam philosophiam sive morelem, sive naturalem exposuit, & in scriptura, seu commentum redegit; sed praecipue ethical & mathematical, quodam singulari & novo modo tradendi. ; cf. in gregorovius history of city of rome in middle ages, vol v, part ii, 617, note 2. https://books.google.com/books?id=johzaaaayaaj&pg=pa617#v=onepage&q&f=false accessed 20 february 2013history of city of rome in middle ages, v. 5, part 2, 617, note2. accessed 31 december 2012.
^ summa theologiae, i, 1, prooemium:
^ j.-p. torrell, saint thomas aquinas, vol. 1, person , work, trans. robert royal, catholic university, 1996, 146 ff.
^ torrell, op. cit., 161-3.
^ accessed feb. 1, 2013; emilio panella, iacopo di ranuccio da castelbuono op, testimone dell “alia lectura fratris thome”, «memorie domenicane» 19 (1988) 369-95. archived 2013-05-23 @ wayback machine.
^ frater iacobus raynucii sacerdos, fuit graciosus predicator et lector arectinus et castellanus, lucanus, urbevetanus, in tuscia provintialis vicarius, et perusinus ac etiam romanus in sancta sabina tempore quo curia erat in urbe. qui et fuit in pluribus capitulis diffinitor, postmodum prior perusinus; demum factus prior in sancta sabina, per papam honorium de sabello residentem ibidem, propter suam laudabilem vitam et celebrem opinionem que de ipso erat in romana curia, factus est [1286] episcopus florentinus (cr pg 29v). fuit magister eximius in theologia et multum famosus in romana curia; qui actu existens lector apud sanctam sabinam (cr ov 28) http://www.e-theca.net/emiliopanella/lector12.htm accessed may 9, 2011
^ http://aquinatis.blogspot.com/2008/05/vida-de-santo-toms-de-aquino.html accessed june 22, 2011: mediados de noviembre abandonó santo tomás la ciudad de viterbo en compañía de fray reginaldo de piperno y su discípulo fray nicolás brunacci. http://www.brunacci.it/s--tommaso.html accessed june 22, 2011
^ history of italian philosophy, volume 1, 85, eugenio garin, https://books.google.com/books?id=svp3vbmdktqc&pg=pa85&lpg=pa85&dq=brunacci#v=onepage&q=brunacci&f=false accessed june 29, 2011; http://www.brunacci.it/s--tommaso.html accessed june 22, 2011: per l acutezza del suo ingegno, dopo aver studiato nella sua provincia, ebbe l alto onore di accompagnare s. tommaso parigi nel novembre del 1268. rimase in quello studio fino al 1272 e di là passò colonia sotto la disciplina di alberto magno.
^ frater nicolaus brunatii [† 1322] sacerdos et predicator gratiosus, fuit lector castellanus, arectinus, perusinus, urbevetanus et romanus apud sanctam sabinam tempore quo papa erat in urbe, viterbiensis et florentinus in studio generali legens ibidem annis tribus (cr pg 37v). cuius sollicita procuratione conventus perusinus meruit habere gratiam summo pontifice papa benedicto xi ecclesiam scilicet et parrochiam sancti stephani tempore quo [maggio 13041 ipse prior actu in perusio erat (cr pg 38r). http://www.e-theca.net/emiliopanella/lector12.htm accessed may 9, 2011
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^ frater hugo de bidiliomo provincie francie, magister fuit egregius in theologia et mul<tum> famosus in romana curia; qui actu lector existens apud sanctam sabinam, per papam nicolaum quartum eiusdem ecclesie factus cardinalis [16.v.1288]; postmodum per celestinum papain [1294] est ordinatus in episcopum ostiensem (cr pg 3r). http://www.e-theca.net/emiliopanella/lector12.htm accessed may 9, 2011; see rome across time , space: cultural transmission , exchange of ideas, 2011, p. 275. https://books.google.com/books?id=xgihbiqknlgc&pg=pa275#v=onepage&q&f=false accessed 10 july 2011
^ compendium historiae ordinis praedicatorum, a.m. walz, herder 1930, 214: romanus conventus s. mariae supra minervam anno 1255 ex conditionibus parvis crevit. tunc enim paenitentibus feminis in communi regulariter ibi 1252/53 viventibus ad s. pancratium migratis fratres praedicatores domum illam relictam summo pontifice habendam petierunt et impetranint. qua demum feliciter obtenda capellam hospitio circa annum 1255 adiecerunt. huc evangelizandi causa fratres e conventu s. sabinae descendebant. https://archive.org/stream/mn5081ucmf_3/mn5081ucmf_3_djvu.txt accessed 17 may 2011
^ marian michèle mulchahey, first bow bent in study : dominican education before 1350, 1998, p. 323. https://books.google.com/books?id=bk9axcycbfic&pg=pa323 accessed 26 may 2011
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^ accessed 6 march 2013, monumenta et antiquitates veteris disciplinae ordinis praedicatorum ab anno ... pio tomasso masetti:, p. 312, note 1: illud certum est ab an. 1307 ad 1320 docendo jugiter operam dedisse: parisiis vero 1316 ut ex actibus cap. aretini 1315 constat. fomae vero docuisse tradunt fontana et altamura, aliique recentiores, eos touron excipit, qui etiam refert praefecturam minervitani coenobii; de omnibus silent articult necrologici.
^ marian michèle mulchahey, first bow bent in study : dominican education before 1350, 1998, pp. 236-237. https://books.google.com/books?id=bk9axcycbfic&pg=pa236 accessed 30 june 2011
^ marian michèle mulchahey, first bow bent in study : dominican education before 1350, 1998, 269. https://books.google.com/books?id=bk9axcycbfic&pg=pa269 accessed june 29, 2011
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^ william hinnebusch, dominicans: short history, 1975, chapter 2, http://www.saintwiki.com/index.php?title=hinnebusch/the_dominicans:_a_short_history/chapter_ii accessed 19 july 2012; acta capitulorum generalium o.p. 1304: quelibet autem provincia exceptis dacie, grecie, terre sancte provideant ut semper in aliquo conventu ydoneo sit generale studium et solempne... https://books.google.com/books?id=jsc8aaaaiaaj&pg=pa251#v=onepage&q&f=false accessed nov. 7, 2012
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^ see j. quétif-j. echard, scriptores ordinis praedicatorum, ii, pp. 265 s.
^ fabri, sisto in dizionario biografico . retrieved 10 august 2013. 
^ http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/sisto-fabri_(dizionario-biografico)/; ordinationes ... pro studiorum reformatione, g. marescotti: florence 1585. https://books.google.com/books?id=pk5kaaaayaaj&pg=pa230&lpg=pa230&dq=%22pro+studiorum#v=onepage&q=%22pro%20studiorum&f=false accessed 10 august 2013
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^ carlo longo, la formazione integrale domenicana al servizio della chiesa e della società, edizioni studio domenicano, 1996, j. solano o.p. (1505 ca.-1580) e la fondazione del collegium s, thomae de urbe (1577) : si andava allora imponendo come modello di formazione teologica il progetto al quale aveva dato inizio alla fine del secolo precedente il vescovo domenicano spagnolo alonoso de burgos (+1499), il quale, partire dal 1487 ed effettivamente dal 1496, valladolid aveva fondato il collegio di san gregorio, redigendone statuti che, integrati successivamente, sarebbero divenuti modello di una nuova forma di esperienza formativa. https://books.google.com/books?id=gmw2uqe2mcwc&pg=pa156#v=onepage&q&f=false accessed 21 april 2011
^ longo, op. cit.: quel collegio nasceva come una comunita` domenicana numero chiuso, dedita esclusivamente allo studio e governata da un rettore, eletto dapprina annualmente e poi ogni due anni. vi si accedeva per meriti intellettuali e, usufruendo di molte dispense, non si era distolti da altre occupazioni nel proprio impegno di studio e di ricerca. description of system longo refers reader to: g. de arriaga-m.m. hoyos, historia del colegio de san gregorio devalladolid, i, valladolid 1928, pp 61-79, 421-449.]
^ wilson, james; fiske, john, eds. (1887). solano, juan . appletons cyclopædia of american biography. v. d. appleton , company. p. 604. retrieved 2 january 2010. 
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