Biography Inquisition (metal band)
live @ hole in sky 2008
inquisition formed in 1988 in cali, colombia, dagon thrash metal act named guillotine. band changed name inquisition in 1989. name, frontman dagon later explained, chosen because represented humanity s need establish dominance, control , order based on particular period of our world s history . dagon viewed historical event emblematic of man s [general] need impose rule on others . in 1996, dagon relocated united states , recruited incubus on drums , debandt on bass. debandt departed band shortly after release of inquisition s full-length debut, infernal regions of ancient cult. band chose remain two-piece , subsequent releases recorded solely dagon , incubus.
dagon has suggested band s formation in colombia , subsequent development in united states affected inquisition s sound. observing many second , third world countries have environment in them suits black metal , death metal perfectly, dagon explained life in of them mean nothing. high social tension , rebellion in areas of world intensify music , make evil more of reality . recalling seeing people shot , stabbed [by] cali , medellin cartel , dagon portrayed environment surrounding band s formative years true darkness in flesh , blood . described inquisition combining south american attitude musicianship , skills of european scene . dagon later downplayed geographic , cultural influences in favour of emphasizing band s metaphysical inspiration: don t think of particular in our music being rooted in particular area culturally. sure, there can external influences based on geographical location, or heritage can play role, in band s case doesn t happen. keep things detached , aim sound inspired more distant , mystical element .
in 2012, band signed french label season of mist. band s label debut, obscure verses multiverse, released on october 25, 2013 (october 29 in north america). seventh album bloodshed across empyrean altar beyond celestial zenith released on august 26, 2016.
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