Later use Stumbling block

1 later use

1.1 judaism
1.2 christianity

1.2.1 catholicism
1.2.2 protestantism

later use

the leviticus warning developed in rabbinical judaism lifnei iver before blind.


scandal discussed thomas aquinas in summa theologica. in 1992 catechism of catholic church, discussed under fifth commandment (thou shalt not kill) section respect dignity of persons .

active scandal performed person; passive scandal reaction of person active scandal ( scandal given or in latin scandalum datum), or acts which, because of viewer s ignorance, weakness, or malice, regarded scandalous ( scandal received or in latin scandalum acceptum).

in order qualify scandalous, behavior must, in itself, evil or give appearance of evil. act or indifferent act, knowing inspire others sin — when student studies diligently well, knowing cause envy — not scandalous. again, ask commit perjury scandalous, judge require witnesses give oath when knows witness commit perjury not scandalous. not require other person commit sin; scandalous, suffices act of nature lead sin. scandal performed intention of inducing sin. urging commit sin therefore active scandal. in case person urging sin aware of nature , person urging ignorant, sins committed fault of person urged them. scandal performed when performs evil act, or act appears evil, knowing lead others sin. (in case of apparently evil act, sufficient reason act despite faults cause negates scandal.) scandal may incurred when innocent act may occasion of sin weak, such acts should not foregone if goods @ stake of importance.


the term stumbling block common in protestant writings. use martin luther s consideration common belief mass sacrifice stumbling block.


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